Chapter Three

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The cultivation world was intricate, as it was enriched with deep history

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The cultivation world was intricate, as it was enriched with deep history.

In the cultivation world, there are five notable and distinguished cultivation sects, followed by smaller minor ones like Yu, Yao, and Ouyang. This was an indisputable truth to mortal civilians and cultivators alike.

One of the illustrious cultivation sects was the mighty Qishan Wen, and they were the oldest. (Some people believed their arrogance came from that notion alone.) The Wen clan made their home in a place called Nightless City, where no nightfall could be observed. They were a landlocked type of land with two large bodies of water and a volcano wrapping them in from the borders of their own home. If one wanted to find a Wen clan member or disciple (it was a rare occurrence, but it happens) , one only needed to look for those wearing ash-smoke white robes with red hems and delicate embroidered sun motifs. The sun was the Qishan Wen clan's symbol to match the radiance of the sun and the longevity it held.

The founder of the clan was a former traveling astronomer, named Wen Mao. The motto Wen Mao bestowed upon his clan was 'To rise from its own ashes, a phoenix first must burn.' The Wen clan was known for their harsh and swift sword techniques, followed by their fire talismans and Qi spells/curses. The clan was built on both bloodline and fair play when it came to the talent of working hard. The current leader of the clan was a tyrannical man named Wen Ruohan, who was both vicious and cruel to even his own children. (It was no secret he had murdered his own so-called best friend, Nie Xiaowen.)

The current heir to the Wen sect was Wen Rong, courtesy name, Wen Xu. The young teen was known for his suspicious and ruthless behavior. The rumors spoke of how he enjoyed prolonging the misery and suffering of his enemies, captured slaves, and servants alike. He had mulberry eyes and the same youthful, sharply cut handsome features of his father, Wen Rouhan. Even at his age, they said he had a brilliant strategic mind and lethal sword skills.

The second heir and spare was Wen Peng, courtesy name Wen Chao. The youngest son, barely into his teens, was known for his pompous ways, arrogant attitude, and handsy behavior with any pretty woman he encountered. The rumors spoke that, like his father and elder brother, he was cruel and had a sadistic streak in expressing enjoyment to the suffering of others. He had dull mulberry eyes and was barely passable in being considered handsome.

Another one of the illustrious cultivation sects was the scholarly and serene Gusu Lan clan, and they made their home in a remote mountain called Cloud Recesses. It was often noted that Cloud Recesses had the appearance of an immortal realm floating on an ocean of clouds due to the swirling mist. The Gusu Clan sect was known for their peaceful ways and scholarly pursuits, which found most heirs of other clans within their halls to learn. If one wanted to find a Lan clan member or disciple (often to pursue a question of cultivation or coping lines if one broke a discipline rule) , one only needed to look for those wearing either all snowy-white or snowy-white and lapis blue robes. Members of the main bloodline wore a white embroidered head ribbon with the cloud motif sewn onto it, while non-related or guest disciples wore a plain one. The flowing clouds were the Gusu Lan clan's symbol to match that though clouds may flow freely, one must always retain a firm and righteous path.

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