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The sky was a listless, smoky crimson, as the clang of swords strikes a melody of war, tragedy, and violence

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The sky was a listless, smoky crimson, as the clang of swords strikes a melody of war, tragedy, and violence.

'Did you hear the tragic news?'


The clang of swords and greed echo around Jiang Cheng in a calamitous melody as he takes in the chaos that has unfolded before his eyes. The Zidian wielder strikes out his sword and slices swiftly through another fierce corpse in his way. "Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng shouted as he continued to march towards his brother's direction, well-aware of the Jiang disciples dutifully following behind him. "WEI WUXIAN!"

'Yueguang-Shaonu is dead!'

'Jiang Yingyue, one of the San-Yue-Lingzhu is dead? How!'

'Her own beloved Shidi, Wei Wuxian, killed her!'

The malicious fighting continues with blood spilling left and right as comrades in arms turn on each other without a second thought, "I got the Stygian Seal!" One cultivator bellows in greed, before another man stabs him clean through with his sword.

Wei Wuxian continues to play his dizi, ignoring his brother's own shouting and Lan Wangji's heartfelt pleas. Jiang Cheng fights towards his brother and he fears he is too far gone into the resentment to be reason with. Nothing would- "A-XIAN!"

Jiang Cheng feels as if he has jumped in the Yunmeng's waters during winter, as the sensation of icy water burns through his body as he heard the familiar voice. 'No, it can't be. Da-jie should be back at Koi Tower resting!'

"A-XIAN!" It seemed like Wei Wuxian and several others had heard the same voice as Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang, and Lan Xichen snapped their heads in the direction of where the familiar voice was calling out from. "A-XIAN!" Jiang Yingyue cries in worried panic, as terror grips her by the throat.

Horror, fear, and concern flickered across Wei Wuxian's pale face. "SHIJIE!" he shouted, and Jiang Cheng closed his eyes before turning to find his eldest sister running through the battlefield recklessly.

"Jiang Yingyue!" is shouted from various directions as Jiang Cheng pushes past his disciples, pushes past the other sect leaders, and pushes past a concern and worried Nie Huaisang and Lan Xichen, who also try to fight their way to Jiang Yingyue.

'Jiang Yingyue was considered a shining beacon of hope and compassion, along with her sworn brother's Song Zichen and Xiao Xingchen.'

'The Jiang Clan adopted Wei Wuxian out of mercy, but he turned out to be a merciless devil.'

Turmoil, betrayal, sorrow, and deep-seated hatred circled around each other in a relentless game of tag, as a beautiful woman with delicate sharp features continues to dash and dodge across the battlefield, uncaring of the bloodthirsty massacre around her. "A-XIAN!"

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