Chapter 6

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"How was the encounter with the past?"He asks her as he finishes his dinner."Made any moves yet?" 

They have been eating in completely silence, it was strange for them, she thought the boy would hold it until she finished her shift to ask. But apparently the lack of conversation from her part didnt give it away, that in fact she didnt want to conversate.

"I didn't go inside the room" Jennifer mutters eating the leftovers from her sppageti plate she has chooseen today. 

There where few options today of food she liked and she already ate an small vegetable sandwich at lunch, she didn't want to repeat it, so she had to settle for that food instead, it wasn't bad, but it was hospital food, that yeah, it was reserverd for the staff, but she was sure that they could perfectly improve it

"Don't tell me that you have chickened out" Sean tells her, curiously she doesn't see any hint of malice in his voice, maybe he is not trying to tease her for once 

"I couldn't do it, I stood in front of her door, and I was going to enter, but I couldnt move my hand and place it in the handle ton open it" Jennifer admits playing with her food, her stomach was not feeling good right now

It had felt imposible to open that door, she wasn't calm enough, prepared enough, the words she wanted to say were not chosen carefully, everything about that plan was a mess.

"You have to go, right now, before it's too late" he tells her as Jennifer continues to plays with her dinner

"I'm eating" Jennifer argues, not lifting her head, she knows that Sean must be worried for her lack of words.

"Jen, I'm your friend okay, and I see how scared you are about Emily, but you told her that you would be there" he says drinking his glass of water and picking his tray. "She told you that she was going to be alone, plus she is on the patient list today, you can't ignore that" he grins with the last part as he walks away

She follows him, but before throwing her food away, she gets an idea, that could be beneficial for their encounter, she acts on it before she can think about it twice.

She almost feels like her old self, that only returned wherever the young brunette girl was involved.

A determined, brave persona she put up to impres Emily, a person she wished she was.

But its not who she has become. 

She is a guarded person, much more than she was a as teenager, more aware of what people are capable of doing for anmything they want to conquer.

There are selfish people around the world, and she had encounter a few of them while she was studying. 

She tried to be nice to them, let them have her homework, when some of them came rushing to class, but that changed the moment she is nearly expelled from the university, when one of the proffesoors caught on two identical works. 

And thank god for Sean that he swore he was with her while they were doing the homework that was assigned. Needles to say, she didn't share anything anymore, no matter if it was class or personal live related.

Since that moment she has been as guarded as ever with everything. 

Thats why she had to explain the whole relationship with the burnetter to her friend of nearly four years, he was happy for her in that coffee shop they went to, that was before he started throwing out ideas to make them meet. 

Thats why she was nearly sprinting towards Emilys room, that calmed her down a little, runnig had allways had a calm effect on her since its found to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes, that is great news for cardiovascular health and longevity, and it also bodes well for brain health.

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