chapter 7

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Two days

That's how long she has stayed home, with nothing to do, nothing that possibly could distract her from that shy smile she gave her 48 hours ago.

It has been two days since she last saw the young brunette, yet she misses her like she hadn't seen her in years.

Perhaps two days without seeing each other was not too much from the past, they used to talk nearly everyday when she was first studying medicine, that is until the brunette didn't respond to her calls anymore, she kept trying to reach her.

She even went ahead and wrote her letters.

Needless to say, she did not receive any letters back from Emily, that's the last step she took before she stopped trying to reach her.

Back then she thought Emily had helped her, accepted her just how she was, what they had was special. It was all love, nothing more. Everything felt so right, yet so wrong.

She has had these two days to reminisce everything about them, trying to find anything that was off during that short summer they had together, something that explained the sudden cold shoulder from the burnette. But all she found was happiness, her smirk just before she would ask Emily permission if she could kiss her the first time they went on a date, waiting in the car for the young woman to go inside.

It was not like the books she read described it, there were no fireworks or butterflies in her stomach, she even thought that what she felt was wrong.

Talking with her mother that night, telling her how it felt to kiss someone and hear her mother laughing as she explained how it felt.

The only thing her mother asked was about her heart, if it got a million times quicker when she would see the brunette.

To which she responded blushing causing her mother to smile sweetly at her and assuring her that then she had nothing to worry for unless the kiss did not feel right.

And yeah, maybe it was awkward, that was their first kiss, but the second and the third happened, and the relationship between them, the feeling of her heart was a thousand times better than those silly books or movies about love described.

She thought momentarily that being with Emily surpassed all the descriptions of love and nothing mattered anymore, not the important exams or the late nights she would spend with the brunette instead of her textbooks.

Because she found something that made her happier than being a doctor, she found someone she thought she would spend the rest of her life with.

And maybe she decided it too soon, she still remembers the time she told the brunette that she did not want to continue studying medicine if she was going to lose her.

They did not talk about it anymore, but at the end of the date instead of the kisses they often shared, the brunette quickly kissed her cheek and with a quick goodbye she went home.

That date was espectacular, they went to a carnival, a new one that opened a few days ago, she still remembers the number of one of the attractions they went to.

109, funnily it was the same number of the room Emily was installed in the hospital.

 Smiling at the memory, she remembers Emily the next day telling her that she researched the meaning. The number is a sign from the spiritual realm explaining that everything they do is part of the things that will make them successful.

That was the only thing that they needed. It was to focus and be glad for the things they get in life.

That is when Jennifer thought that she had everything she needed, she didn't need to chase some stupid dream that would surely break them apart, that's why she told her in one of the dates, the very first night everything about them was not so perfect, where little arguments started to happen.

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