Chapter 20

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"If you continue to eat like that, you'll choke'' Claire teases her colleague, grabbing a bit of the warm toast she ordered minutes ago to contrats the bitter tasting coffee the blonde woman had ordered the two of them, something about trying new things in coffee shops she mentioned it happily when she came back with the two hot beverage drinks in hand. They were having lunch in one of Jennifer favourite cafeteria by the hospital, she didn't really had much of an appetite, whereas Jennifer was greedily puting big pieces of bacon into her mouth "We are not late to the session"

Since she arrived at the young doctor's house yesterday, the blonde woman has been unstoppable when she tried to make things for her.

It was the last day the blonde woman had her weekly check up, to evaluate her conditions and since the last visit she has been with pent up energy, Claire understood how hard it must have been for her to stay inside. The blonde woman claimed that she was healed perfectly, but the older woman had catched particular looks of discomfort, even a hint of fear in her eyes, wherever she was approached without knowing it.

Jennifer on the contrary, was sick of having her colleagues around in her apartment every night for two weeks straight. Yes, what happened to her was an unfortunate event, but she didn't need to be checked upon every waking minute. She hated being the one people had to put their lives on a stop to take care of her.

The first few weeks had been insufferable enough, with Emily the first two nights, later Sean, who did not stop asking her if everything was okay. Jane had been there the longest, three days, one of those she changed it with Jake, when he had claimed that she was bothering him too much about the diagnosis process, and the clearance for her to go to work. And who knows, maybe she was, but then she had been at home for too long for her to be bearable.

Even Ally, had offered to stay a night, but thank god for Claire who stepped in, to take that last day in her guest room and stay with her last night, the older woman, had been spaceful and let her do her own things, not before 'If you need something call me', she didn't think that she could grow up to hate a phrase that much. Although, neither of her temporary roommates had any problems with the colour of the guest room they slept in, only the younger brunette.

Her skin, bruised, because the blood vessels beneath the skin were damaged. The bruise had passed through so many colours the moment she came back from hospital, her once slightly tanned skin had been tainted with a variety of colours, ranging from red, to purple, the thing about bruises is that almost anyone can guess how many days have passed since the beginning of it. The red blood cells of the area where her skin is wounded are the ones who made her damaged part of skin colour change, with the help of the liver. While the blood vessels and tissues healed slowly, repairing the area naturally, with the help of an ice pack to speed up the healing.

Jake grunts when he takes notice of an exciting blonde woman, accompanied by a smiling Claire, (who had taken the role to babysit her this last day), by his door before he has the chance to call her inside his office. He has been dreading this meeting even thought of cancelling it. He should have had Ally involved for that and he didn't have enough energy as to why he didn't want the blue eyed woman back into work. To him it was simple. It had been too soon since she was attacked, but after the hospital therapist cleared her to work just fine, she had been bothering him nonstop.

"So am I cleared?" Jennifer inquires before she even sits in the chair before him, Claire following behind her, sends him a smirk seeing his own reaction to the energetic blonde doctor beside her.

"What do you think? '' He rubs his forehead momentarily and catches the impatient look on the young doctor's face, that makes him feel better, seeing that the younger doctor wants his opinion on the matter instead of ignoring everything he advises.

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