chapter 10

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This is what happens inside the body when someone has to drink more than they are accustomed to. 

High levels of alcohol in the body can result in headaches, severe dehydration, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and indigestion, those are the most commun ones. 

She should know that by now, the effect alcoholic drinks have on the body, she had to memorise it for a presentation back in high school. She feels like shit now, she was responsible with the drinking, but somehow the brunette girl makes her lose control. 

When all of the things she read made her repugnante every kind of alcoholic drink she came across, it was not like she had a lot of opportunities with them.

Until college came around and with that her first heartbreak and healing, it was both a bleesing and a curse.

When a person consumes alcohol, they don't digest it.

It passes quickly into the bloodstream and travels to every part of their body. Alcohol affects the brain first, following the kidneys, lungs and liver.

The effect on the body depends on your age, gender, weight and the type of alcohol. She is still young, but her age is going up each year, and the body tolerates lees alcohol consumption.

Although it can make a person feel happy or pleasant to be around, sociable for a short period of time. She can be a different person with it, thats why she drank it yesterday, she did not want Emily to think that she was boring.

That's why she told a complete stranger her whole life in a party when she was younger. And with that came the drunken theories of those around her.

It has consequences the morning after.

The dizziness.


Running straight to the bathroom.

Wanting to be in the dark as much as possible because the sun hurts your eyes, loud sounds, those are the worst.

Shaky hands.


Sometimes, in some cases, there is even evidence that the "flight or fight" response is revved up.

Alcohol is metabolised in the liver into acetaldehyde ( toxic substance in high levels).

That the enzyme ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) breaks down. Later another enzyme ALDH (aldehyde dehydrogenase) rapidly breaks down acetaldehyde (which can cause a cell damage) into acetate whiter is non toxic.

A hangover begins after the blood levels start to fall. According to some studies the worst symptoms occur when the level reaches zero.

How much you drank is not important, she recalls writing in capital letters at the start of her presentation.

Drink fluids, a remedy she underlined back them when she started researching for hangover cures. That is what she had to do. If her body let's her move when the room stops spinning.

She closes her eyes and sits slowly in her bed, letting her muscles stretch before trying to stand on the floor. And with small steps she makes it to the kitchen, drinks a glass of water with some aspiring to relieve some of the headache that has her head.

 Never Tylenol. Acetaminophen, the generic name for the medication. It may cause liver damage when combined with alcohol. That's why it is not recommended when it is mixed with a hangover.

Looking around for her phone, she locates it in her kitchen counter and sees some missed messages from Sean, reminding her to call him as soon as she wakes up.

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