The Advice

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All five of yoongi's friends gasped...

especially Taehyung, "SO HE PINNED YOU ON THE WALL AND YOU DIDN'T fuck?????"

Yoongi stared blankly but his face dusted pink

Jimin scoffed, "Everything is about sex to you tsk tsk, they just met how could they have sex???"

Taehyung grinned, "well Jimin, in case you haven't noticed, Yoongi is a 👏grown👏ass👏adult👏"

Jimin rolled his eyes, but Tae had a point and everyone else collectively agreed. I mean everyone else in the friend group has had a fair share of one night stands and relationships.

Yoongi broke the silence, "He didn't necessarily 'pin' me to the wall, I was just backed up against the wall."

Namjoon chuckled, "Yoongi, I study literature, right?"


"that shit made no fucking sense"

everyone got thrown into a pit of laughter and yoongi realized it was a mistake to come to his friends for advice.

"This isn't helping."

everyone calmed down with their fair share of sorrys and wheezing.

"Hyung, why don't you just ask him on a date? Something that'll be more personal?"

Yoongi thought over jungkook's idea....






"sooo.... You gonna respond?" Jin (jon 💀) got impatient with the ~vibe~ of Yoongi's thinking.

"yeah, I can't do that."

"what respond?"

everyone face-palmed

"No dumbass, I can't ask him out on a date."

Tae looked disappointed, "why???"

I'm too shy and I become a nervous wreck around him... but yoongi could NOT say that out loud, he felt his face warming up with embarrassment but he hopped the other wouldn't notice since his face as been pink the past 3 days since he was at work.

He rubbed his temple, dealing with all of this is so stressful.

Jimin clapped, "Okay I think we've interrogated yoongi enough, lets give him a little appreciation for sharing so much with us!"

"Thanks Yoongi" They all said it at once like a fucking group therapy meeting.

"What the fuck??" Yoongi gave them all a confused look, "did I join a cult???"

"no the author was just too lazy to write out dialogue for everyone and wanted to move on from tbis conversation we're having." Namjoon sighed.

"Babe, I love you and you're an amazing novelist, but I need you to stop talking like that please, we've talked about this.." Jungkook rubbed Namjoon's hand.


"1,2,3,4..5,6.... okay hold on"

Hoseok stopped his student's movements, you're doing great and you have all of the steps on point, but I think instead of dancing lightly, you're gonna wanna really hit those key points-"

Jimin nodded and took it from the top... but lately all he can think about is Yoongi, now in no wat does jimin have feelings romantically for Yoongi, but he more so feels slightly lonely being the only one not in a relationship...

"Jimin, are you okay? You seem distracted"

Jimin looked up at his dance instructor, "yeah sorry.." he was gonna continue but the instructor stopped the music.

"You can tell me what's going on, think of me as an older friend and not your teacher right now."

Jimin nodded and sat crisscross on the floor, his teacher following.

"Okay, so I have a friend who has Alexithymia, where it's difficult for him to express and understand his emotions right?"


"And i've been friends with him for a while with others and we all tried our best to get him to open up and talk to us but he never really did, and he just met someone and he's already opened up so much to them!"

"do you like your friend?"

"God no! I just feel as though maybe he doesn't care for our friendship towards me as much I do him... I know it's selfish when I hear it out loud..."

The instructor sighed, "It's not selfish at all and I'm sure your friend has no idea that you feel this"

Jimin nodded, "That's a good point... thanks Hoseok."


Thursday, Yoongi's favorite work day of tje week and it's almost 4:00, Yoongi's newly favorite time of the day.

For the past 3 days Hoseok has visited Yoongi during his lunch break and brings him food, Usually during his lunch break Yoongi just continued working or he'd just sit in the break room alone and listen to music but now a days its what he looks forward to most.

The little door chime jingled and Yoongi quickly made his way to the front to greet him.

"excited as usual" Hoseok laughed and fluffed Yoongi's hair, the skinship causing the older to look away.

Hoseok just softly smiled and held up the bag in his other hand, "I made sandwiches for us today"

Yoongi smiled, "Sounds great" they headed to the lunch room and started chatting.

"Yeah and so basically he almost has the choreography down he just keeps getting distracted"

Yoongi loved hearing about Hoseok's job, more specifically he loved the idea of Hoseok dancing with his skin dewey from sweat and his breathing heavy.....


shit Yoongi didn't realize how hard he was fantasizing until Hoseok waved his hand in front of him.

"i- I uh... uhm..."

Hoseok quirked his eyebrow, "yes?"

Yoongi thought back to Jungkook's advice...

"Do you uh... maybe wanna" Yoongi trailed off

"Use your words sweetheart"

Yoongi grew even shyer with Hoseok's teasing

"uh... nevermind..."

Hoseok tilted his head and leaned his head into hus hand, "no no, continue..."

Yoongi looked up at hoseok, "Will you...."

"Will I?"

"maybe.... wanna, hang out sometime?"

"mmm maybe be more specific? we're hanging out right now"

yoongi narrowed his eyes, "You're messing with me aren't you?"

Hoseok laughed, "only teasing, but im not kidding."

"Hoseok, would you like to take me out on a date this weekend?"



im so predictable:,) lmao

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