Creating Jung HoSeok

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Song: 4 Walls- f(x)



Yoongi groaned as he entered his apartment seeing bright decorations and confetti launched everywhere.


Min Yoongi is a man who has never been pleased once in his life.

Min Yoongi is, as his friends say, born with a poker face and it evolved into a resting bitch face over time.

Min Yoongi is simply content but never pleased as others are.

Min Yoongi has never jumped with joy or cried in heartbreak.

Min Yoongi has never loved.

And worst of all, Min Yoongi is VERY picky.

Yoongi had 5 friends who are almost polar opposites of him,

Kim Namjoon, He's intelligent and philosophical. He never takes anything (or anyone) for granted and appreciates everything. He befriended Yoongi because he wants to change his viewpoint and ways of life.

Kim SeokJin, He's endearing and confident. He's never afraid to crack a joke or spout out what he thinks with a beautiful smile on his face. He's friends with Yoongi because he likes Yoongi's brutal honesty and wants to make mr. poker face laugh.

Park Jimin, He's charismatic and passionate. He follows his heart and his brain is just there for support, he gets very emotional very quickly and has no shame. He's friends with Yoongi because he wants to show him that emotions other than anger and disgust.

Kim Taehyung, He's charming and playful. He's a kind heart and helps whoever he can, He's a very sexy fellow who isn't afraid to flirt here and there with his boyfriend. He's friends with Yoongi because he thinks Yoongi just needs to learn about sex drive.

And finally

Jeon Jungkook, He's competitive and patient. He's the type of person who will always win and play it cool as if it was effortless, He always wants to win but is in no rush to do so "slow and steady wins the race". He's friends with Yoongi because they're sort of brothers and believes that if he can get over his condition, then Yoongi can too.

Yoongi has his infamous poker face painted on his face as the confetti falls onto his carpet. "One of you better clean this up."

Jin shook his head, "I told you this wouldn't work."

Jimin teared up a little, "Hyung you don't like our surprise? B-But we.. but we-"

Yoongi sighed, "Jimin I didn't say that."

Jimin perked up, "So you're happy with it!?" He had a smile ear to ear.

Yoongi walked onto his couch and gave a blank look to the younger boy, "It's not that bad."

The 5 friends took this and cheered loudly, too loudly.

Taehyung spoke up, "okay okay, let's reveal THE GIFT!"

Namjoon set Jungkook off his lap and opened his bag to reveal a poorly wrapped present which was obviously a disk of some sort.

Yoongi looked at Taehyung, "If this is a movie, game, or music you should've just bought it online it'd be more efficient that way."

Jungkook lightly punched Yoongi in the arm, "no way! This was only three-fifty at the pawn shop down the street, plus we were able to donate 75¢ to homeless dogs!"

"Should've just gave me the money."

Namjoon shot a passive-aggressive look, "Yoongi what did I say about appreciation?"

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