Hogwarts Express and Hermione Granger

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Over the course of the next few days, Harry had spent the time counting the days to September the first. He had been taking good care of his owl too, which impressed Lily.

And why that happened, is as follows -

It was the middle of the night of 4th of August, and Emily had come up with a plan to prank her eldest brother. Hadrian didn't know of the plan. She sneaked into Harry's room at 1 am in the night, as silently as a cat might land jumping from a roof. She made sure to be as silent as night.

What happened next, still brought tears of laughter to Harry and Hadrian's eyes -

As she slowly sneaked towards Harry's bed, Hedwig swooped in at that moment, collided with her face, and ricocheted away, scared... but undamaged. This had woken Harry up.

On the other hand, the dead rats she had brought were dropped on Emily. Seeing so many dead rats, and not knowing it was Hedwig, Emily started shouting about massacres of rats, and that humans would be next. Harry, who had been lying on his bed in the same position as sleeping, closed his eyes and wished that a live rat could shut his dear sister up. And to his surprise - a real, live rat appeared from nowhere and scurried in confusion into her pyjamas. Now, with rats running down her clothes, she started screaming. Just then, the rat came out, bit Emily on the hand as a last goodbye as her brothers called it, and scurried away. Thing was, Hadrian had a mirror through which he could see the proceedings in Harry's room, and Harry had a mirror through which he could see the proceedings in Hadrian's room. They said that they wanted to 'ensure that their dear brother did not not have a girlfriend at this tender age...'. But actually, they used to to plan pranks. And the noise Emily was causing, alerted Hadrian and he woke up just in time to see Hedwig colliding with Emily and all that later followed. And when Harry, confused by a whimpering noise coming from somewhere, looked at his special mirror, he saw Hadrian on the floor of his room, crying and shaking from silent laughter. Emily remembered not to prank the son of the biggest prankster in Hogwarts' history so tactlessly.


Every night before he went to sleep, Harry ticked off another day on the piece of paper he had pinned to the wall, counting down to September the first.

On the last day of August, he was in his room with his dad and Hadrian, planning what pranks to pull that year. James was upgrading Harry's arsenal of pranks, he even compiled a basic information toolkit and mission plan, as if Harry was going on a mission, rather than school. This was it -

Prank Plan

Harry James Potter

Main targets: Argus Filch, Severus Snape (set the greasy git on fire; NOT SO KIDDING)

Main allies: Fred and George Weasley, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Hadrian Potter, Emily Potter

Venue: Hogwarts

Resources: Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet Start - No heat Fireworks, Your Wand, Acid pops, Inflatable tongue, Belch Powder, Biting Doorknob, Biting Kettle, Bulbadox powder, Carrot wand, Cursed kettle, Weasley's Wildfire Whizzbangs (coming soon, supplied by Fred and George Weasley), Dungbombs, Ever Bashing Boomerangs, Frog - spawn soaps, Hiccough Sweets, Jumbo Dungbomb, the Marauders' Special Potion Kit (supplied by Remus Lupin), the Marauders' Transfiguring Surprises Kit (supplied by James Potter), Not-So-Harmless and Not-That Harmful Potions and Poisons Kit (James and Lily Potter), ('Lily created this kit called Very Mild Poisons for her Potions Assignment and we somehow got hold of it and replicated it just making them not so harmless and not so harmful...' said James), Screaming YoYos (supplied by Fred and George Weasley) Non-explodable luminous balloons and Peace Disturbers (supplied by Fred Weasley, George Weasley and James Potter), Pumpkin Face box, Regurgitating Toilets, Stink Pellets, Toe-biting kettle, Whizzing Worms, The Marauders' Ultimate Guide to Pranks, The Marauders' Ultimate Kit of Pranking (includes almost everything you'd ever need for pranking), Harry Potter's Guide to Basic Pranks for year 1, and the Marauders' Map (Potter family heirloom, currently missing, somewhere in Hogwarts).

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