What? New? Now? Why? ...

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Mania's P.O.V

Its too late, till now they both should be back, but there is no sign. Where the hell they are, I told them to wait for me, I can understand Albus situation. What he witnessed was hard to believe, I don't know how he will manage to convince the professors and Head master. Albus will be really upset if they won't take him seriously, already he curse himself too much to be a looser, which is a complete shit filled up in his head by that unworthy bitch. I still can't understand what the piece of that white pig made him fall for her. That fall really caused a severe damage to his brain and moreover to his soul. I hope some day I'll be able to heal him completely.

There was bang on the door and I turn my head to find what I was afraid of, Albus taking long angry strides straight towards the couch on which I was waiting for him eagerly.

''Albus! Are you okay? ''

I asked him worryingly but was completely aware of his frustration and pain. Saddy followed him and both sat on the chairs opposite to the couch. Albus was taking quick breath to control his rage.

''We tried our best to explain them but-''

Saddy tried to explain but lost the track of words, his pink cheeks turned out pale due to disappointment. Three of us share that same bonding, after all we are together since our diaper days. He can feel how tough it is for Albus to survive with popularity curse.

''But What? Can anyone of you break this silence and explain me what they said? ?''

''What they said? ?''

Albus asked me with gritted teeth, he hold the arms of chair tightly to control himself. Finally when he was not able to take it any more he push the chair backwards walking toward the firewall and grip the wall edge. Albus always turn his back on me whenever he realize he has done something that can hurt me, but he never understand that the thing that hurts me the most is to look at his back. What I want is to walk besides him, to be her backbone.

''Albus please, don't fight with yourself. Puke it all out, you will feel better. ''

I tried to console him and went where I belong. 'Besides him' . Saddy also joined me.

''You really want to know what they said? They said I'm trying to break up the fake news to be popular like my father.''

He explained helplessly with a shiny drop hiding in his eyelids. I won't say I've never seen him like this because this type of moments resides like a season in Albus's life. I wish Uncle Harry could feel what Albus is going through.

''Or may be my father suggested me to do so, so he can gain more fame....

A little child ...about eleven years was shrieking in front of me, begging to me to save him from that large monstrous hands which were dragging him inside the picture and I was'nt able to do anything for him...''

He broke dawn and sat down on floor with his back taking support of wall and knees curled up to his chest, sobbing like a small kid who had a nightmare.Looking him like this was biggest punishment for me.l couldn't cantrolled and hugged him tightly. I wish I could get all of his pain and cast a spell on him to be happy forever.

''We try to checked on Jamie, but Professor Chang said that his parents send the leave application for Jamie, so he is not missing but had gone to his city to see his seriously sick Aunt.''

Saddy said with clear disappointment in his voice, we discussed it before, it was kind of our plan B. If the elders won't take Albus word seriously then we will check on the victim Jamie, If he would be missing then it would be easy to convince authorities for enquiry, but now it seems whoever have done this is doing it with clean chits in his pocket or someone from Hogwarts is playing partnerships/traitors game.

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