Shopping the Free SECRETS....

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Triveni's POV.

''Don't you think this outfit is not suitable for the place where I am??''

What? have you ever seen anyone in cartoon print pajama and hobo t-shirt standing right in the middle of market and that also Oxford street, London as I can read on the one of the wall. Wait . A. Minute... .. OXFORD STREET, LONDON??? LONDON? ??? Did I read LONDON? ?? Means L. O. N. D. O. N. LONDON???

''No need to worry about what you are wearing as you are invisible for these Muggle people''

The familiar voice help me to snap out from my shocking state. He was wearing the same smile which gave me the warm feeling, but I'm in LONDON because of him and he is worried about my clothes. Is he crazy???

''I'm freaking in LONDON. Did you hear me LON-DON and you are worried about the damn clothes. What you are a retarded or what??''

I pointed my index finger on him and ranted in one breath all along cutting out ten feet distance between us. He held both his hands in surrender.

''Calm down Miss Jean..''

He was relax but little amused by my reaction. Then I saw furr sleeve wrapped around my arm and I was feeling warm that very secand. Loosing up my brain knot little bit I cantrol myself to giggle, but his next comment broke all the bands on my mouth to laugh.

''Besides, it was you Miss who was worried about your looks....''

Ya! He is correct I was the one who wanted to look good. What? Is it crime to be worried about your looks, then bite me!

We started walking with the crowd, crossing the large market. Its not like that, I have been to many foreign places like Disney land, France and Paris, but I have never been to London and I must say its amazing to be here and that also with. 'The Famous Hagrid'. I mean HAGRID WOHOOOOOOOOO...

''So, I guess Miss Jean now you believe me. ''

I think he caught my Woho.... expression, that must be the reason why he is chukling like a little girl.

''Off course.. You left no reason to not to believe you. By the way what so funnnny???''

My really question was. 'Do I look like a baby Shrek all muddy and funnnny?'. What??? Classics are my all time favorite.

''I was not laughing at you, Actually after Joanne has written about Harry's life, it has been easy for Hogwarts faculty to handle new muggle admissions. Cut out the collapsing part when they witness our little tricks, but you are an exception.''

He explained giving me a knowing look while uttering last four words. Well! Ofcourse I'm no doubt, after all...

''Its me Triveni,I'm out of this world. Wait a minute did you said Joanne?? You mean to say Joanne Rowling? ?''

He nodded to assure me that whats on my mind was the facts.

''You mean to say 'The J.K. Rowling' The famous author of The Potter series??''

He must be kidding, Maybe its just a coincidence or maybe she had heard about Hogwarts and wrote her fictitious story, but how come Hagrid know her? Thus it means that The Harry Potter really exist? Ya! He must be because Hagrid know him also. I M FREAKING DREAMING. 'Come on Triveni pinch yourself hard.' I obeyed my minds order but it was no use because Hagrid made me realized what I was doing.

''Hey! Is something wrong?''

He ask me with a frown on his face. As if I pinched him.

TRIVIA. Adventure begins again....On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara