Potter Series is special to me..

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''Welcome to the Knight Bus.''

''Emergency transport for the stranded witches and wizards. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening.''

''Triveni shut that idiot box and come down immediately, do you get me??''

''Ok coming in five minutes.. Wha' choo doin' down there?''

''Fell over.''

''Wha' choo fall over for?''

''Triveni I warn you if you won't be out of your room in next minute I'm going to throw those potter DVD's, did you understand??''

Ohh God! My mom is a monster. How can anyone think of doing such a cruel thing to her sixteen year old child depriving her from her only life support...

''Triveni are you coming down or not?'' she shouted again, her voice literally banging my ears.

''Aaag... coming woman no need to bang on my head ok?"

Have to go. Love will continue only after that monster will satisfy herself by having my brain delicacies for lunch.. God save me...

I paused the movie and went straight downstairs to have my second fight for today. Can't she leave with myself?

''Whats your problem Maa can't you get it? If I say five minutes it's because I was busy. Figure it out.'' I whine.

I started whining irritably which will only ignite flame to her temper. And I love it when she gets fed up of me. I feel satisfied and it makes me prove her that she's a bad piece of motherhood.

''Busy? In what? Watching those creeps-''

''Not a single word against Harry and his family. At least they accompany me longer than you.'' I shrugged stating the fact. I like to spent my time more watching movie rather than looking at her 'Oh so not gorgeous face'. You can accuse me for behaving like a spoiled brat.

''The fact is you never gave me chance to be by your side.'' She said in a low voice.

Oh not that emotional 'pitty on me' drama again. We are Indians but that doesn't mean we have to be dramatic all the time dissolving our eyes daily. I don't know what my dad saw in her to get married with a psycho..

''Mom please give me a break. Okay?''

Thank God now I can go back to my friends aka movie.

Wow I love my room specially that L.C.D TV. Which my monster mom named idiot box. I don't know what she finds idiotic in it even though she watches those stupid melodrama in that same box. Atleast I don't watch those shits.

Where's the remote? ? Aaaa.... gotcha...play..

''I didn't do it on purpose.''

Oh I just love this scene. Even though I have watched this movie or say the series for about fifty times. Ya! you heard it right and you can say that I'm crazy so yes I am.

''Well, come on then. Let's not wait for the grass to grow.''

I just love the way this conductor speaks....

''Wha' choo' looking at?''


Wow! What a bus. I wish I could travel in that bus. It would be so much fun... Sometimes I wish to be a part of this story or just stand in a corner to witness every moment like Hermione and have that gadget in this movie.... But all wishes are not meant to come true.

''Take 'er away, Ern.''

''Yeah, take it away! BANG! Ernie rockets away...''


I just love it.

''Wot you say your name was again?''

''I didn't.''

OOOH SHIT! Sometimes I really want to murder the electricity board staff. I doubt my monster mother would wish for it. See God also be partial in my case. But you can't stop me being with my besties. Where's my cellphone? . Gotcha.. No way I forgot to charge. Today is really not my day..

I'm gonna miss you. My room is really small and cozy but clean without a single mess. I have a bed, a small little dresser, two steel cupboards and a small balcony and also a book shelf which only has five books in it. Any gueses which one? Ya you are right its the Potter series but I haven't read it. I like to watch movies more then to stress my beautiful eyes. But then also I have them because it helps me to forget that I'm alone living without any ambition, just living for my dad. Just two years and I'll be able to get back my property from that monster and her two good for nothing kids.

I just hate them, they are the very reason I don't have any friends. They are the reason I lost my dad.


First of all the scene she is talking about is from Harry Potter- Prisoner of Azkaban. Personally I love that bus too..

So coming back to the story what do you think about Triveni?

Vote and comment if you like it and want me to improve and continue.


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