Late Miss Lavender Brown. ..

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Albus's POV.

    That was some self satisfied fun. Ohh God! It's been a long time since I've seen those morons in that state. I'm damn sure Nia and Sadrice will be laughing their hearts out. I wanted to stay and laugh along but Dad won't be happy to hear that his good for nothing son has done something childish like this. Sometimes I really feel that I don't deserve to be their son. I'm not like my father. I'm not anything like 'The Harry Potter' or the person I'm named after: 'The Great Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.'

     Why? Why parents expect so much from their child to the point that it turns out to be a burden for us? Why people expect a kid of a hero to be brave? I'm not brave enough to handle the loss of loved ones as my father did even though he suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). He still wakes up midnight screaming names of people who died during that dreadful phase of his life, pleading and cursing Voldemort. He never talks about these things with us but there are silent conversation between us which leads to the peak and comes to an end with my father's no-more-discussion frown. Sometimes I want to shake him and tell him that 'Dad! We are your family you can share your problems with us. We might not be able to solve them but we can atleast be by your side.' But I can't because I'm not bold enough. I'm not much of an outspoken person. It's something we both have, those invisible differences that bother us both, but no one is brave enough to make the first move. See I'm not good enough to solve my own personal problem so what will I do for the world?

       That incident had enraged me and scared me somehow. The dissected head of my father's sculptor was like a living nightmare for me. It terrified each and every vein of my body. That was the first time I had seen Dad's petrified face other than his nightmares and it boiled my very young blood outrageously.

''How are you Mr. handsome Potter???'' Late Miss Brown greeted me with her ever cheerful voice. She was a portrait from the old wooden frame that hung on the nearby wall which is also known as. 'Wall of War Honours.' It was built by Professor Minerva McGonagall when the school was rebuilt after the war.

''Very well, thank you and how about you Miss Brown? ?'' I greet her back moving closer towards the wall. She is a sweet distraction from my awful life other then Nia and Sadrice. She always makes me feel special. I feel calm by her extremely honey personality but has the most possessive behavior I have ever seen.

''As beautiful as always... What you think?'' She chirps while jerking her Brown curly locks behind. I really like her chubby looks.

''Ya always...'' I replied emphasizing the last word.

''How's Harry and....Ummm Ron? I came to know that recently you've received letter from your father. Is everything good on their side?'' She inquired in a worried tone. I can understand her reason for concern. After that incident the whole school was overstrung. But I have always noticed that whenever she talks about Uncle Ron she sounds a bit agitated and its weird when it comes to Aunt Mione. Let's test once again.

''They are all doing good. Dad wrote just to inquire about me and ordered me not to think about that incident anymore. As usual you know? By the way Uncle Ron is doing way too good. Sometimes Aunt Mione is stuck up with work but other than that they are both lovingly happy together.''

Gotcha! Miss Brown just rolled her eyes. She gives the same reaction as Aunt Mione. Maybe some youth rivalry but I still enjoy it. I still remember my second year break when I mentioned Miss Brown's name and conveyed her 'Hello' to uncle Ron. Aunt Mione killed him with her looks while Uncle intended to simulate like a lost rabbit.

''Go away..'' Miss Brown ordered  me in a whispering tone. I stared at her in disbelief when she repeated the order as she was speaking in a different language. But why she has to use different language as she has enough knowledge that Hogwarts is binded in. 'Metafrasi' spell? No matter what language a person may use it will be translated to listener understanding eventually. First I thought maybe I teased her was the reason why she was behaving all busted out but there was something else because her face turned out pale as if she was panic-struck. Her lips were moving against her voice, that's how I came to know that she's using a language other than English. Now I'm worried. Why she is behaving terrified all of a sudden?

''Hey Albus Dude! you were fantastic...''

That was Sadrice's gleeful voice. I teared my gaze from the Wooden Arts and saw him near the library, which was facing opposite to the stairs. I cross the distance to ask him for help...


        Hi all sorry for late update. So coming to the point first whoever still didn't get it who was Miss Lavender Brown for them I have added her beautiful picture in beginning. Still you didn't recognize her then let me introduce her she was the ex-girlfriend of Ronald Weasely who was dead in the Dealthy Hallows part two.



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