Reality is Rebellious

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After a long time.

Trivia's P. O. V.
      Confusions and assumptions makes an evil pair, for any one who are living their dreams. Dreams are predictable and our own planned situations, but when it turns to reality, our assumptions makes it more difficult to hang on and thats leads to the sea of confusions, which is quite unhealthy for our mind. Right now I'm going through this phase. The world I wanted to be part of for so long is far away from my assumptions. The life which I wanted to have so badly, people here around live it like a curse. Whether its Mania, daughter of my inspiration Hermione, or Albus. Albus live his life like a Herculean task. Whether its studies or Games, I always see his eyes loaded with pain I don't know why. I tried many times to apologise to him but, but, he is really strong headed. On the other hand his sister is really a darling . Durring these hard days, she and Hagrid were the only people with whom I can forget all the questions or actually question papers going on my mind. Lilly is truely a boon, an amazing boon in these maze world.


     Oh no! sometimes I forget my Hogswarts name, but trust me this was not the right time to forget.

"Oh Lil! nice to see you, young lady, but don't you think so you have class in these hours."

      I replied while looking at clock tower which shows big 'V' on it. I was so annoyed with this little girl's brother that I don't feel like eating something while him watching me like some shitty, useless, rubbish.... I hope you got it.

"I was looking for you all around, you promise me to meet me for lunch. I look for you everywhere in dining hall, but you were nowhere to be."

     Her sad pout was digging hole in my heart and filling it up with guilt and anger. Guilt, of braking a little lad's heart just because her brother is scabrous and anger for myself, how could I be like this. Lilly is mere a kid, little known to her brother's harsh behavior towards me and himself.

   "Aww! darling I'm so sorry, is just that I was not feeling well that's why I couldn't come for lunch."

    Besides my apology her eyes were still sad but now its accompanied with worry for me. After a long time I have seen people getting worried for me, rather than because of me.

   " Are you  feeling better now? "

  " Yeah sweety I'm feeling much better, specially after talking to you. By the way what was on the dine today?"

"I don't know, I was so busy searching for you."

"You didn't had your lunch yet?"

    She looked down and nod her head in No. How can it be possible, in a week she came such close to me to this extent, now I'm feeling more guilty. I opened my bag and search for an apple, I always carry. My mother habituated me with it since my kindergarten days. I gave it to her.


   Now, I definitely have a proof that I'm cursed. Albus saw us  from distance and on its toe was my third insulting session for a day. Lilly grabbed the apple from my hand and hide it in her bag quickly, poor cutey pie.

   "Lilly, I think you have class in these hours.You should not miss your classes without reason."

       Yeah, yeah. the actual thought is 'For some unworthy people' that's me. God save me, from him. I don't know why but, I can't hate him, he have such a lovely sister and such a handsome face, and cherry on the top is ; he is the son of my hero. Why can't we be normal for a minute? Why can't we become friends. This 'You are a pain in my ass' look in his eyes. I swear, I want to wash it off. Lilly Started walking with her brother unwillingly, but after some steps she turned around and said inaudible Thank you to me. His brother caught her action,and started eating me with his eyes. I thought I saved myself, when I saw Nia few step a head Albus. Albus commanded his sister to carry on with her way to class and head back to me. Nia saw this and nod her head side by side indicating me that I'm good for nothing and left. Now, I have to face my doom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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