HOT.. POT...

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Mania's P.O.V...

New things always add more excitement and enthusiasm in our life, whether its small little things like dress or shoes, or big things like school or friends. I can't say Trivia is my friend yet, but ya she is a new addition to my weird life. She is way too interesting, just like a new mystery book in market with damn interesting cover page. She is outspoken, sarcastic and intelligent. I don't know why? But she reminds me the youth tales of my mother. My mother use to have same combination of sarcasm and intelligence, though she is now also but sarcasm is fading just like shine of her hair. Hermione Wesley , A girl who had knock out the air from death eaters and a woman who is at present leading part of wizard research centre. Sometimes I really feel proud to have such a kick ass Mom, one sec .this sometime is now when I meet this enigmatic girl walking besides me. We have just completed the new admission formalities, I don't know why she got admission in the middle of the year and is directly selected to be in the Gryffindor, without any sorting ceremony. All these unusual things about her is sort of bothering me, but the strange thing is she is also anxious to have all these answers, so to help ourselves we are right now moving towards sports ground, where boys are wasting their precious time in kicking one unworthy shit of ball. Oh! I forgot to mention, I simply hate sports, I think its waste of time but sometimes I give my valuable attention to it only when Saddy or Albus are in their shoes to boot that annoying Zach. Though Albus is not very good at sport but Saddy is Thor in War, but I like to watch Albus at least trying, that what he is doing right now.

"So, where are we going???"

I brake my 'starring at a mouth-watering cake" thought, to supply an answer for her question.

"We are going to that football ground to find my friends, who will help me to help you to help yourself here out. "

"Football? I thought Whizards only play Quidditch, isn't it?"

Oh! I forgot that she came from J.K's world , never mind now I have to chat with her on this boring topic , how boring???

"Gridsphe, that is known as football in common world, is a game which is not like normal football but it is formed for Wizards level by Quiditch coach Prof. Brian Adney in 2010, I don't know why he find the need to discover this time wasting game but he did it and now conclusion is my bestfriends give it more time then me."

I was not only sounding frustrated but I was actually frustrated with this stupidity. I want Albus to come to me to share his rage , no matter how worst it is but he just feel satiated when he go on kicking ,does it make any sense? Whatever , what important to me is his happiness and he finds one in playing this game.

"Awww.. Don 't worry I'm here to entertain you, besides this game is interesting look they have to balance themselves on the the flying broomstick constantly to kick the ball, it must be really difficult, no? and what about catchers they also have to stand like this?"

Wow what a boring entertainment I guess, I didn't expected this from her.

"No, they are only aloud to sit on broom but others have to balance and stand till the end of the game this what make this game more interesting. Hey I think their practice ended, lets meet them."

We both started walking toward the field and as usual when Saddy saw me he came running toward us and Albus was with Coach to hear his loud instruction which were only for him.



After a moment of starring at me, which Saddy dose usually when we meet his eyes catch the sight of Trivia and he gave me the questioning look . I was about to answer but my lips got dry by the hot view infront of me , Albus was moving towards us and Lord save me he was looking sizzling while jogging, his knee-length shorts were showing of his legs and his messy hair were wet ,covering his eyes. He stop in front of us and my heart skip the beat when his brownish grey eyes met with my grey one. How could someone can look both innocent and sexy at a time.

"Hi guys, the coach was really in the bad mood today I think."

"He is always in that red colour when its comes to you, today is nothing special."

Saddy that was rude,but it was the fact half of the teachers here think that Albus is a spoiled brat and an attention seaker, Coach Samuel is one of them ,which is not at all true. Albus threw some daggers towards Saddy ,which made him feel guilty then Albus eyes met with Trivia and the same questioning look was my signal to show my dirty intentions a red flag and be back to the buisness . I cleared my throat to gain everybodies attention.

"This is Trivia my new roommate and Trivia this is Saddy, Sadrice Longbottom and This is Albus Potter, both are my child—"

"Potter?? You are the Potter? What I mean to ask is You are the son of HHHarry Potter?"

Noways I did'nt expected coming this from you Trivia, Don't do it right now, he is already wounded.How can I forget to warn you before we meet them , How can I forgot you behaved all fanning when you met me first in Miss McGonagall office. Oh God! Seriously relief pays small visits in Albus's life.

"You know I am like huge no like Sumo huge fan of your Father. He is So amazing The way he just knock out air from ---"

Finally it happens what I was afraid of, Albus was on the edge to burst out . I can say that because whenever he need some control, he turn his back to us, that's what he is doing right now. I have to stop Trivia before he objurgate her.

"Trivia umm... I need to talk to you for a minute, can you pl—"

I tried to get out from the situation , but I think this girl's head leaks brain out when it come to Uncle Harry.

" Wait a minute Mania, let me talk to him . Okay, So what I was saying? Yah, I just love the scenes when your Dad just knock out Death eaters and that Morron. Please Can I meet your father on—"


Okay , I think I should stay out of this now, this stupid girl needs her lesson. Lord save you Trivia. Awww.. poor girl's face turns out pasty, when Albus yelled at her.

"Enough is enough, This is not a zoo and we all are not the caged animal to whom you are excited to have a glimpse of...Knock out the head huh... Do you any Idea what it cost to knocking around, there will be a single knocking situation in front of you and you will piss your pants. Huge fan huh...

"But I was ju—"

Before Trivia could explain herself Albus walked away and left her stunned. I slowly cut out the space between us to release her.

"Ummm.. Dear I know—"

"I won't ever do that."

What? What she is talking about I was going to say that I know its hard to swallow this kind of treatment from the person you are so excited to meet up with. She saw the question marks hanging all the corner of my face so she replied to me in her same Kristina style.

"Piss my pants, I would never do that. Gosh... I love my pants so much, specially this new one I'm wearing right now."

What??? Dose she really said what she said, I can't believe it. She was still looking at the door where in Albus vanished and thinking really hard. I though she is about to say something about him which I'm definitely not going to like it, but when she open her mouth.....

"This Pot is really very Hottttt..."

Oh God this girl! What should I do with her, I know what she meant and smirk stucked my face which I could'nt wash off.When she realize what she said her expression were priceless....


"No!!! No.. I... didn't meant hot, it was that hot not that hot, you getting me wrong ,are you getting what I'm trying to say, I meant hot , not hot hot,

"I know, I know now lets just get going."

Oh God! I think today I'm going to die with stomach ache while laughing my lungs out.



 How you like the first meeting of the team?????Well! the vedio attached to it is one of my favourite song, which kind of express Mania's feeling for Albus. So this much for now see you guys with next chapter..


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