Popularity is Curse for him...

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   Maania's POV

   ''Did your father mention something about that incident or anything about security Hogswart status in the letter. "

     Travis asked with knitted eyebrows.  I didn't expected  coming atleast from him. But I think curiosity is really being bitch for Albus. Travis was fourteenth one to ask that. That number is just for today. I lost the counting on the very day when Albus unfolded the letter sent by Uncle Harry. That obtuse incident will last for long in my well engineered brain. The bunch of imbecile students gethered around him eager to know the content of the letter and in curiosity  they tear the paper. Albus was so enraged and disheartened that moment. Thanks to Professor Rosemary that we know the binding spell.

       We do have same question in our smartass head and we are also helpless like him but people here around don't bother us much but in case of Albus its like popularity magnet which attracks troubles. Not like our parents but ya normal teenagers one. 

      Coming back to the questions its better they resides in our mind because asking them to our parents is equal play chess with my father.We get our answer but in its own more puzzled way which we cant solve as its master peice made by them. As we know our parents very well they want us to be invisible to any kind of trouble. Sometimes they even make fun of us as in five years of our school life we haven't been in any kind of trouble or broke a single rule. On the other hand they were like trouble magnet and break free rides. Weird no, they want both for us safety and adventure but forget that adventures are popular for risk. Though Albus had broke rules sometimes to knock out that arrogant Zach's ego but not anything huge like our parents.

     ''Ya Potter what your Dear father said about knocking-his-head-out incident. .. hahaha''

       Think of a devil and devil appears. Zachary Draco Malfoy. Mr. Arrogant of school. I don't know whats wrong with him. May be jelousy because Albus is  'The Potter'. I remember once I mention the boys rivalry to my mom and she just smiled and left the room with two words.

    'History Repeats'

     I still can't buy that explaination but my mom is a mystery in her self. I still remember the night before I was leaving for Hogswart she was having whispering conversation with someone outside the door and when I tried to inquire about it she said she kicking some cat out. I mean what kind of mother give this kind of excuse to her hella intelligent daughter.

      Albus closed his book with a thump and get on his feet.  First I thought he will break some rules today and knock his head looking at his present annoyed state but he just passed by  him pushing his shoulder in the process. I was damn sure that Zach will do something to prevent his prey to get free but to my surprise he did nothing.  Instead he was freez on his position. Then I change my view to Albus his lips twitched on one side and was having wond in his hand.

      ''Gelata Membra..''

     I and Sadrice murmured together and started giggling.  Albus is truely amazing. Though not like Uncle Harry but in his own way.


   Its short but will try next time to make it long and good..

     Please your comments help me to improve so please help me.

   Gelata Membra- Jelly Limbs. .


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