Chapter 13:Shit, what happened?

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As you walked around, cleaning the last of your tables before your break, you saw him. Just like you suspected, he was there. You didnt want him to notice you so you looked down right away and finished up what few tables you had left before going to the break room. But like you had been avoiding, William saw your face and walked over with a smirk as you went into the break room.
You tried to close the door behind you but soon felt someone tug on it behind you.Looking back you saw William."I uh..What are you doing here?"You asked, trying to sound mad. William grinned."I own the place, I dont know if you've noticed but I practically built this place." At his boasting about being ine of the founders and blah blah blah.. you huffed and rolled your eyes, walking away after letting go of the door. William growled behind yoy and hearing that you angered the male a bit fillrd you with a bit of a powerful feeling inside.
That feeling soon endrd when the room went dark and you couldn't find the light switch. "SHIT!! WHO KILLED THE LIGHTS?!"You yellrd, wandering around the darkened room aimlessly. You soon heard a feminine chuckle and William groan.

👀I wonder who it could be....

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