Then i lost it all

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I got back to the house, parked my car in the usual place and slammed the door shut quite loudly. I saw Ash in the window, I didn't want him to see me like this but I had no choice. Once someone got me mad I lost all control.
I pushed the door open, breaking the lock, and charged into the sitting room. Ash suspiciously walked back into the room from the kitchen
"WHERE IS HE!" I roared from the back of my throat "LET ME HAVE HIM"
Ash raised his hands "Andy calm down let's talk about this" He says
"I'LL TALK WHEN THAT MOTHER FUCKERS DEAD" I pushed past him and into the kitchen where I saw Cc in the floor, all bandaged up and bloody, he looked generally terrified.
"So you think it's fair Jinxx leaves the band for sleeping with Jakes girl but no your innocent POOR LITTLE CC!"
I screams before throwing a chair through the window behind him, glass shattering above him. He staggered to his feet and made a run for the door. I went after him as Ashley stood in front of me
"MOVE" I barked
Ashley looked worried but I couldn't stop myself
"Not until you've calmed down" he says gulping viciously.
I looked into his brown eyes and felt myself calming.
Then Juliet walked in. She saw a wrecked room, a bloody cc and ashley calming me down.
"What's happened?" She says shocked
"Oh don't you know? You did this! You did this you little whore!" I yelled, filling with rage again. she looked shocked but then clicked on and her face filled with guilt.
"Andy, I..." She starts but I cut her off
"NO! IVE HAD IT" I yell punching a wall.
Cc walks over to Juliet.
"You know what?" I say giving a really psychotic laugh
"If you want her, YOU CAN FUCKING HAVE HER" I say running over to Cc, wrapping both fists tight around his neck and pushing him against the wall.
"Andy stop!" Juliet yells tugging at my arm. I turn to face her...the face I once loved, I now couldn't bare the sight.
"You make me sick Juliet"
I say before walking off and leaving, Ash following behind at a safe distance.

He caught up with me "Andy wait please we need to talk" I stopped and faced him
"What did cc and Juliet do?" He asked.
"They've been fucking each other's brains out for the past 3 months. Juliet cheated on me and with my own friend"
"You tried to kill Cc and your pissed with Juliet for the same thing you and I are doing" he says blankly. I stare at him thinking for a moment. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, how could they.
"Andy. If you don't love Juliet then why are you so upset? And why are you pissed off with Cc when Your doing the same thing. Your cheating on Juliet why can't she do the same to you? And why are you even with me?" He asks, that last one hit me like a brick to the face.
"Because I love you" I say but he didn't seem convinced, his eyes filled up and he was clearly hiding back sobs and cries.
"Then why are you with Juliet? Do you know what that's like? I've been playing along and pretending I'm alright with it all this time but truth be told I'm not! I hate the fact you go home every night and get in bed with her! And now it's clear to me. You love Juliet. And whether you love me or not, I'm not willing to share" he says, crying his heart out by now. I didn't know what to say
"Ash..." I start
"Don't talk to me" he says running off crying.
I sit on the ground, I've lost everything. Jakes left the band, Jinxx left the band, I've kicked Cc out the band, juliets gone but forget all that. I've lost Ashley, the one man I can't live without. The love of my life. He's gone. I've ruined it.

I will await dear «Andley» {completed}Where stories live. Discover now