A patience of eternity

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I heard a knock at the door, I wrestled out of bed and dragged my body to the door. All i had been doing for the past 3 days is Sleeping and smoking, not eating, only drinking whiskey and beer. I just slept and occasionally got up for a fag. And I could notice the affect on me. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were dark, my cheekbones stuck out like razors, my ribs were starting to show and my teeth had turned yellow.
There was another knock, I got to the dirt and pulled at the handle, there stood Ronnie. His face looked utterly shocked once he'd seen me.
"Shit" he whispered under his breathe "what happened Andy?" He runs his hand through his hair.
"What happened? I've lost everything" I walk inside and he follows.
"You haven't lost me...."he starts but o cut him off
"You don't understand. I wish you did but...."
"But what?"
I hesitated before answering "You'd probably look at me totally differently"
He reached a hand out and placed it on my shoulder "tell me everything"
It was Ronnie, one of my closest friends...why couldn't I tell him?
I looked him in the eye and burst into tears, there goes my manly reputation. This was it. I had to tell Ronnie he truth.
"I'm...I'm bisexual" he looked at me confused, he opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off "don't say anything, let me finish first"
I told him, I told him everything. The whole story form when I confessed my sexuality to Ashley, to the present.
"Okay first of all how could you possibly think I would respect you any less if you like men as well as women? Even if you were fully gay, that'd be fine with me! It's mean I'd have a better chance with the women when we went out" he gives me a playful wink causing me to smile "and secondly, what you did was wrong yes, but only you can make it right" I looked him in the eyes. Ronnies a really understanding guy when you get to know him....the problem is no one wants to get to know him.
"What do I do Ronnie?" I ask him, desperate for advice.
"You choose. Ashley or Juliet"
"Ash! ASH!" I shout at him, sure of my answer
"Andy if your that sure you wouldn't have badly injured Cc"
"I love Ash!"
"But part of you must still have feelings for Juliet. You need to wait until your sure that those feelings have totally gone. It may take time but you have to wait.."
"Wait? WAIT? I can't wait for Ashley! I love him more than anything and I can't take going anymore without him here"
"It'll be best for both of you if you give it time" he says
I sit and think for a minute 'give it time' I say to myself 'wait for him'
"I will await" I mumble under my breathe.
Ronnie puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head up "just be patient"

I will await dear «Andley» {completed}Where stories live. Discover now