Episode 4 - The Battle Has Begun

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The three of us turned around to see Ivor, Lukas, Olivia, and Gabriel standing at the door. Soren backed away a little bit in shock. "Soren... How could you?" Olivia asked him. Soren glared at Ivor. "Ivor," Soren snarled.

I looked at them confused. "Hold on. How long have you guys been standing there?" I asked them. Ivor walked over to us. "Long enough that they heard the whole thing," Ivor informed us. Gabriel looked down at the ground sadly. "So we're liars? All of us?" Gabriel questioned sadly.

Honestly, I don't blame him for feeling sad. He doesn't remember anything. Lukas looked down as well. "Yeah, I think you are," Lukas muttered. "You didn't think you could keep it secret forever, did you, Soren? The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Ivor asked Soren.

Soren walked over to Ivor. "But Ivor... Why?" Soren asked him. Jesse looked at him. "You knew about all of this. Didn't you, Ivor?" Jesse asked him. "Of course, I knew about it! I was in the Order from the very beginning! Soren, Gabriel, Magnus, Ellegaard... They agreed to keep this a secret," Ivor told us as Soren walked over to the enchanting book while rubbing his face.

"How conniving of us," Gabriel muttered. Soren looked at Ivor. "And you! You agreed to stay quiet too! In exchange for all our treasures!" Soren shouted at him, causing us to look at him in shock as Olivia gasped. Ivor stayed quiet for a few seconds before placing a hand on his hip.

"I've technically never told anybody. Jesse and Crystal discovered the truth on their own," Ivor told us. Lukas shook his head as he walked up next to me. "So this whole thing. This Wither you unleashed has... All been to teach the Order a lesson?" Lukas asked him as he stood next to me.

Ivor looked at him. "To teach the world a lesson! To show you who the Order really are. Liars. Cowards. And now, they know," Ivor informed us. Soren looked down. "Yes. I suppose they do," Soren muttered. "Ivor, you be a madman! In all your scheming to expose the Order, you've nearly destroyed the known world!" I yelled at him.

"Look, my Wither plan obviously backfired," Ivor stated. Olivia threw her hands up in the air. "Ya think?!" Olivia shouted before her hands fell to her side. "I didn't know we'd end up with three of those things tearing the world apart!" Ivor said before he crossed his arms.

"For a moment. I nearly forgot," Gabriel muttered to himself. "Well, they are! And while we sit around talking about your dysfunctional Order of Liars, those things are still out there, wrecking the world!" Jesse shouted. Soren nodded in agreement. "Jesse's right. Destroying the Command Block is all that matters anymore," Soren told him.

"How ironic that the best thing the Command Block gave us was the very means to destroy it," Ivor said as he walked over and closed the book. Soren walked over to him. "Spare us the poetry. It's not your strong suit," Soren told him as Ivor picked up the enchanting book. "I've had this book for years," Ivor said as he stared at the book.

I stepped forward. "So, the enchanting book... What do we do with it?" I asked him while putting my hands together, making a forward hand movement in front of my face. "You craft a weapon, then put it on an anvil," Ivor said before he handed the book to me before looking at Jesse and I.

"Follow me. I'll show you," Ivor told us. "Ivor..."

We looked over at Soren to see with giving a saddened expression to him. "I'm sorry. About everything," Soren told him. "Yes, well... It doesn't matter now," Ivor told him and Soren looked down to the floor. Ivor motioned Jesse and I to follow him. I exchanged a look with Lukas before following Jesse and Ivor, with Reuben following us.

We walked over to the doors that were on the right side of the room. Ivor opened the door and the four of us walked in. We walked down the hallway and turned to the left. Inside was a chest, crafting table, and an anvil in the middle of the room, with armor at the back. "Grab some ingredients and craft a weapon. I'll show you how to enchant it," Ivor told us.

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