==Chapter 49==

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So for privacy purposes, I used the girl above as Cindy even though I see Cindy as well my friend.

Im planning on making a short story with probably 15 chapters in the future if you readers want me to do so.

IMPORTANT: who do you want me to write about in my future short story?

IMPORTANT #2: clearly my current obsession is EXO and I'm also planning to write a short story about them, question is, who of the 12 do you guys want?( if you're a K-Pop fan ofcourse😂)


"Why are you so nervous?" Brayden chuckled as he looked down at me.

"I don't know...girls are strange creatures." I shivered as I closed my locker and we started walking.

Cindy invited me to meet a few of her friends in the Arts and Music club, and frankly, I'm not too keen on meeting strangers right now.

Brayden held my hands, snapping me out of my thoughts, he brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"You're trembling, are you that nervous?" He asked me and I looked down, a blush creeping on my face.

"I'm not sure if they'll like me, what if I say something wrong and-"

"Just be you." He said with a smile as he gave me a sweet kiss on the lips.

His kisses have been very different, not in a bad way, just that they became more...loving?

We reached the classroom and my breath hitched.

Brayden opened the door and I saw Cindy looking back at me as she drank from her juice box.

I gave her a small wave and she smiled whilst she walked up to me.

"Thank you for escorting her here." She said to Brayden who nodded.

"You girls take good care of Charlie," He squinted his eyes at each one of them before giving me one last kiss on the top of my head "I'll pick you up when I finish Volleyball practice."

"Okay, stay safe." I warned, referring to when he broke his foot once.

"I will," he chuckled as he waved "Bye girls." He gave us his knowing prince like smile before he left.

I laughed nervously as I turned around to look at them only to be faced with 4 big and curious eyes.

I jumped back a little from fright.

"Wow, she's prettier than the photo you showed us." The dirty-blonde said with nerdy glasses as she sat back crossed legged on the stage.

"A photo can't capture ones whole beauty but only a fragment of it." The short, cute looking one said as she sat on the stage, her legs dangling from the edge.

"Yada yada," Cindy brushed them off as she looked at me excitedly "So Charlie, I introduce you to Stephanie."

The dirty-blonde nodded at me, looking quiet cool.

"And this is Nani." Cindy wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Park Nani is my whole name, Annyeonghaseyo!" She said with a cute smile as she jumped of the stage and did the usual peace sign.

"H-hi." I managed to say as i stared down at her, someone was actually tinier than me and she was out of this world adorable and inside I was fangirling.

I noticed all three of them wore nerdy glasses and they damn well looked good with it.

"She's actually an exchange student from Korea." Cindy chimed in "She's the one that got me into K-pop, before her I didn't know a thing about the genre."

 Perverted Gamer. [[•EDITING•]] // TheCampingRusher Where stories live. Discover now