==Chapter 32==

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"I'm.. I what?" I looked at Matt questioningly.

His eyes showed lost and hurt.

"You did what you did because you pitied me, Charlie," Matt said as he leaned his body forward with a sigh "That's the only reason why you kissed me."

I couldn't say anything...partly because, I knew that was true.

"Brayden, you should know your girlfriend best," Matt said as he looked at Brayden "You should know that sometimes she can be nice to the point that it hurts."

"I didn't mean to," I looked at Matt apologetically "I thought I could help."

"It's alright, Charlie...you've done more than enough for me. I appreciate it." Matt smiled a genuine smile at me.

"I expect nothing less from the girl I'm in love with." Matt stood up.

He looked at me and Brayden before sighing.

"Sorry for giving you guys a problem," he walked over to the door "If you guys do break up, I'll accept you with open arms, Charlie."

The door opened and Matt walked out of the room.

A shoe was thrown at the door and I looked at Brayden shocked.

"Bullshit." He mumbled as he leaned back on his desk chair.

"Brayden," I started but he shook his head.

"Don't talk," he said not looking at me in the eye "Let me think it over."


I stared at the ceiling of my room, the moonlight illuminating from my bedroom window.

'Style - Taylor Swift' played from my headphones, that connected to my phone.

Brayden wouldn't look at me. We just sat in his room in silence untill Ryan realised it wasn't going to work out.

I haven't cried, I...don't know how I feel.

This was all my fault. Brayden warned me about Matt, but I went ahead and decided things on my own.

Now Matt's nowhere to be seen and Brayden hates me.

He hates me.

"And when we go crashing down, we come back everytime." I sang softly along with the song and I felt the tears stream down the corners of my eyes.

We were crashing down...but I'm not sure if we were coming up this time.

I really...messed up this time.

My voice choked out as I began sobbing.

I put my right arm on my face as I sobbed quietly to myself.

How can I undo the pain I caused him?

I heard my door open, making me snap my head up to look who it was.

Connor stared back at me, holding a pillow as he closed my door.

He walked over to me and crawled into my bed.

"I can't sleep." He said as he wiped my tears off with his thumb then cuddled into my chest.

He knew I'd be a mess. Him not being able to sleep was an excuse to comfort me.

 Perverted Gamer. [[•EDITING•]] // TheCampingRusher Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant