==Chapter 2==

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ok gays, so far so good?

i'm making the characters have more...how u say, depth. more expressions even. charlie specifically.

i wnna make the relationships between the characters more detailed, also charlies personality and braydens unique one more detailed too. guys bear with me.

i dnt wnna change the story too much so ya.


"Okay...so Graser, I just introduce myself?" I ask the robot through Skype.

"If you want, i mean, most of the Cube already know you, so I don't see the point in introducing yourself." Zach shrugs with a know-it-all face.

"Ugh, you are so not fetch." I said as I flip my hair.

Zach laughed, shaking his head a bit "Okay so hop onto the server and start recording episode 1 of Cube SMP!"

I accidentally yawned which made Zach look at me, surprise covering his whole face "CHARLIE! RUDE!"

"Sorry that wasn't on purpo-!" I was going to apologize but then I see him start yawning too.

"GRASER!" I dramatically gasped, putting a hand to my chest stunned at his action "I'm flabbergasted!"

"A yawn is contagious," he whined before opening up Skype "Ok, so a bunch of people are already on the server but we voted to go on skype rather than TeamSpeak."

Zach says as he invited people I mostly heard of already, on skype, one by one.

"Oh lord, its her." I hear Jordan groan and I rolled my eyes.

"Love you too, Jordan."

Jordan smiled "Brothah."

So from the names....I already knew who each of them were.

Grape, Bayani, HBomb, Graser, Tomahawk, Parker, Devon, Ryan & Mitch.

"See, I told you no introductions needed. Everybody practically knows eachother here." Zach said as a matter of fact.

"The president still isn't here though, Charlie." Sean told me and I smiled as I saw him on my screen.

"Sean!!!" I fangirled making him make that adorable laugh he always does.

"Hey girl! Haven't seen you in fur-eva!" Sean said with his signature smile.

"Didn't you guys do a collab yesterday on SG?" Julio judged with squinted eyes.

"Boy, don't make me and ma girl Sean-telle snap our fingers at you in Z-formation." I retorted.

Everybody united in laughter, and soon enough 4 conversations started going on at once. I've never done a collab so loud and enjoyable in a while, making me start to think, just maybe...Cube ain't so bad.

"So who does the intro first?" Liam asks.

"I say, Charlie. Since it's her first episode on Cube." Zach suggest.

"I'm down for it." Mitch says and I nod in agreement.

"Okay then, let me hop on the server," I joined the server, and put my microphone infront of me "Ah, ah, mic test, 1 2 3, 1 2 3, DICKS OUT FOR HARAMMMMMBAEEEEE!"

I gave out a satisfied sigh "My mic works guys."

Laughter erupted from the Cube as a few 'dix out' 'stfu guys' 'tf is going on' from here and there surfaced, mixing in with the others deafening hysterics.

 Perverted Gamer. [[•EDITING•]] // TheCampingRusher Where stories live. Discover now