==Chapter 41==

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Please do vote for me bishes for best smut fanfic xD.

And thank you for the people that made The CubeFicAwards happen, its honestly a great idea.

Good job you mofo's.

P.S: the pic is Connor. I couldn't choose between the two so I put both, feel free to pick which one you want to imagine Connor as :-)

"Well kids," my mom exhaled with a smile "I hope you guys have fun while we're all here."

"That is what we planned originally." Gregg, Brayden's dad, said with a smile.

"It's a bummer that Mitch's family couldn't come with us though." My dad said with a sigh as he put a red scarf around mom's neck.

"But we hope you enjoy this trip. Thus, we adults will be having happy hour while you kids do what you do best." Ryan's dad said with a husky laugh.

I'm glad he's happy. Ever since Ryan's mom passed away, he's tried to be strong for Ryan and Coby.

I'm glad to know he's not forcing himself anymore.

"Meet us back here around the lodge at about 6PM!" Brayden's mom smiled at us as the adults waved goodbye.

They look like sneaky teenagers, giggling and walking away like they just got away by lying to their parents.

We 'kids' exchanged glances as we sat on the cozy couches of the lounge.

Brayden was giving me the silent treatment for the last 4 days and when it was time to go to the skiing trip, surprise surprise, he was still ignoring me.

The skii resort was as any skii resort, big, happy, full of tourist and warm.


I glanced at the somehow dark aura of the 'kids'.

I felt Ryan nudge me as we sat alone together on a couch with Connor.

I nodded at him as we both sighed, understanding the situation.

"Well this fucking sucks, doesnt it?" Ryan groaned.

"Shut the fuck up, Ryan!" Keaton said whilst giving him the middle finger from the family Wheeler couch.

"No I will not! Everyone's angry at someone here! How the fucking hell are we going to enjoy this?!" Ryan said sounding a bit angry and irritated.

"Well if a certain shit wasn't so 'handsome'," Rylan put airs with his fingers ",that he attracts every living girl in school, even his best friends girlfriend! Then maybe we would've enjoyed this trip." Rylan said with venom dripping from his words.

"I have no need to argue with ignorant people, who chooses to believe a slut he's known for a month at school instead of his bestfriend since middle school." Connor said as he sat closer to me and I put an arm around him comfortingly.

I know well he hates fighting with Rylan and I know well that Rylan hates fighting with Connor too.

"Well how about when you told only one person who your crush is and trusted him with your whole heart that he doesn't tell him and STILL TELLS HIM!" Brooke fumed as she glared at Coby who just rolled his eyes.

"It was an accident! I'm not gonna fucking apologize for something I didn't mean to do!" Coby defended.

"Ohhhh goddd!" Keaton groaned "How typical for his little brother to also be a backstabbing bitch?"

 Perverted Gamer. [[•EDITING•]] // TheCampingRusher Where stories live. Discover now