==Chapter 28==

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And a cough cough here and a fucking cough cough there.

*pulls hair out*

*Bae's comfort me with blankets and hugs*

I'm dizzy, I wrote this while I was dizzy so if its rusty, you'll know why xD

TO THE AMAZING PEOPLE THAT SAID 'Hope you feel better!'


"Sooo," I said as I looked at Brayden innocently "What did you and Matt talk about?"

He dried his hair with his towel while scrolling through his phone.

"Nothing important."

"If its nothing important, you won't mind telling me, riiiiight?" I said and he shrugged.

I puffed my cheeks out as I crossed my arms.

We dropped Connor off at my house so he could rest then we went to Braydens house so he can take a shower.

He was now fully dressed and all good looking.

Brayden walked over to me and kissed the top of my head.

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head off."

"So tell me!" I pleaded as I grabbed his shirt, accidently making him fall on me.

He rolled his body next to me and sighed "Charls, nada importante."

"Spanish is not your thing." I teased as I wrapped my arm around his head and he cuddled closer to me.

"What time are we going to Gamer Haven?" I asked him as I stared at the ceiling, the photo of Zach's face that I taped on there for fun was still there.

"My current position, mentally and physically," he said as he kissed the back of my ear, sending shivers throughout my body. "Is haven for me."

"We're going." I said sternly, glad that he couldn't see me blushing.

I pushed his arms from my waist and stood up.

I now stood tall, even though I'm short, confidently and crossed my arms again.

"I want to play the new games too. So I am counting till-"

He stood up quickly and walked over to me, giving me a kiss.

The soft lips of his hit mine hard, shutting me up completely.

He was kissing me roughly, making me step back as the kiss got rougher.

His hands wrapped around my waist tightly.

And I was desperately in need for air.

My ass hit his desk and he lifted me up to sit on it.

Well whatever, like I can stop him when he turns his switch on.

I wrapped my arms around him, my hands going all around his hair as he stood inbetween my legs.

"Do you-" he said as he pulled away, breathing in and out "Talk with him a lot?"

My hands were on his chest, it was rising and falling as our minty breaths collided.

His heart was beating fast.

"Who?" I asked as I looked up at him.


"Matt? Well..., he's a good friend so I guess I talk to him a lot. Not as much as Ryan though." I bumped my forehead on his and he let go of me to hold his forehead.

 Perverted Gamer. [[•EDITING•]] // TheCampingRusher Where stories live. Discover now