1. Her

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It's this time that reminded me of the moment I hate the most, First day in a new school AGAIN!

I know you're probably confused why again, well let me explain.

My Dad is known for moving towns just for his work. Everytime he has a new client, he moves town with me, my little sister Stella (you'll get to know her somewhere in between), my Mom, my brother Arthur and our Dog Wanda.

My Mom works from home, so for her it doesn't really matter where we live as long as she can work.

My brother Arthur turned 19 last week so he didn't move with us and stood in Germany with his Girlfriend -which I don't wanna lie is kinda hot-

My sister Stella and I well that's a whole other story, but let's continue with my first day at my new highschool shall we?

I searched the strength to get up from my bed and went to bathroom to get ready. As I walked down the stairs, I heard Stella screaming at Wanda and knew Wanda took food. I entered the kitchen yawning.

Stella: "Good Morning favorite Sister„

Y/N: "I'm your only sister but good morning Stella„

We heard Mom coming down talking on the phone, probably with Dad 'cause neither me or Stella saw him today and normally he would be down here by that time me.

Mom: "Y/N could you drive Stella to school?

I nodded, looked confused at Stella 'cause I wasn't even allowed to drive a car at the age of 14, Stella looked back, we took our schoolbags gave our Mom a Kiss on the forehead and left. Luckily me and Stella are on the same school. Well not exactly, Stella is on the Junior High which is right across my Highschool. The moment I stepped into this school I felt a weird and kinda new feeling that I never had entering a new school. This school was huge! Like the one in highschool Musical!

As I tried to find my class I bumped into a girl. Her hair was brown, her eyes were greenish, her face was just like an angel...

??: "Hey, sorry I didn't wanted to!

Y/N: "Oh no, it was my fault. I'm Y/N, I'm new here„

??: "I'm Hailee, I can show you were to go I need to go there too„

I nodded and smiled. Hailee! What a beautiful name!

-Time skip-

In English I received a letter, written by Hailee:

Hi Y/N,
I know this is kinda personally and we met like 4 hours ago but here's my Number, call me whenever you like <3

Xoxo Hailee

I saved her number in my phone and searched for her, seeing her looks meeting mine. Her shy smile and cute winked gave me butterflies in my stomach. What was that I've never felt something like this before. -RIIIIING- That's the bell which was good 'cause that meant I could go home. I was ready to leave but...

The Love I feel for her Where stories live. Discover now