5. Ex

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Hailee's POV

I woke up to my Moms soft voice and slow, careful shook on my shoulders.

Mom: "Good morning Honey. I made breakfast, can you come down? Y/N is already here and your Teacher's here in an hour„

I gave a little nod and got up to get dressed. I found a shirt from Y/N that she forgot here, I put Y/N's Shirt and my thight black trousers on and went down to the kitchen.

Y/N: "Good Morning sleepy head„

She came up to me, hugged me thight and gave me a kiss on my forehead but I pulled away and leaned over to her lips kissing her passionately. I felt her soft lips on mine. Her beautiful soft lips. We pulled away and I heard: "Go eat something we have long day ahead of us, I love you„ Y/N whispered in my ears while getting back to the kitchen counter.

I got up to the counter and ate my food seeing my mom smiling.

Me: "What's wrong Mom?„

Mom: "Huh? Oh I just love seeing you happy with Y/N that's it„

I blushed and gave her little smiled. I felt hands wrapping around my waist and a head resting on my shoulders. „I love you Sweetheart„ Y/N whispered. Her breath and voice in my ear which gave me shivers and goosebumps 'shit, this thing turns me on' I got pulled out my thoughts 'cause the doorbell ringed.

Mom: "That should be your Teacher„

Mom opened the door and I heard a really familiar voice. As I looked at the door still hugged from Y/N and saw a girl with blonde died hair, green eyes and a raspy voice. I knew her and was shocked what she was doing here.

Me: "What are you doing here?„

I went up to the Front door and looked at MY ex girlfriend!! Well you know me and her were dating for 5 months before Y/N moved here. I broke up with her not only because I'm a minor and she's an adult, we fought a lot obviously because she already was an actor but she was away a lot of time and I knew she was cheating on me with someone her age.

My ex: "I'm only here to teach you„

I knew she was lying and that she's not only here for that. -You guys can guess who it is- she wanted me back. She knew it would be illegal if we both would end up in a bed sleeping with each other. I mean being together would not be that worse but she's still 12 years older than me. I'm 14 she's 26 AND currently working for Marvel. I know for a fact she's freaking married and when she works for a movie how would she have the time to tutor us?

Me: "aren't you currently working on a movie or something?„

My ex: "Well yeah but... fine, Hailee can we talk? Somewhere private?„

Me: "Fine but Y/N can listen to and I don't wanna hear a no. My room there we can talk„

My ex: "Fine„

We walked up to my room, Y/N sat down on my bed and I sat on Y/N's lap.

Me: "So what do you wanna talk about?„

My ex: "Well Hailee you know, I still love you and I really want you back. I miss you Hailee please.„

Me: "Wait, Wait, Wait... Hold up. Let me get this straight. So you're married, working on a movie, which is the reason why we broke up, you're and adult and you still want me back? I don't know if you noticed but I'm in a Happy and HEALTHY relationship. I wasn't happy with you and you know that.„

She gave me a light nod as agreement that I was right. I hugged her and whispered "I'm sorry but if you want we can stay friends you still have my number„ in her ear. I knew this turned her on but I didn't care at that point, I just wanted her to know that I'm not interested in her. Her nod made me happy. I still like her but just as friend.

Me: "I would love to visit you sometime on set„

She smiled and gave me a slight hug while walking down to the front door again.

Y/N: "You both were together?„

Me: "Yes we were but before you moved here. We broke up because I am an minor and she obviously and adult but she was also always away for filming and I wasn't happy with her but I still love her as an friend „

I saw Y/N's little nod and her smile. I knew she would accept my friendship with my ex.

Y/N: "As long as you're happy and don't cheat on me or anything, you can do everything you like„

I smiled and hugged her. Ugh I love this girl so much. I don't know what happens if I would lose her. I gently gave her kiss and hugged her thight. "I love you so much„ I whispered in her ear not pulling away from the hug.

Y/N: "I love you too baby„

Y/N pulled me closer into the hug. I was just happy that she's here. I need her and I don't want her to leave. I was just hoping that her Dad wouldn't move countries again just for his job, I couldn't handle losing my loml.



Hiiii, this chapter is really short I'm sorry about that. If you have a guess who the ex is you can write it in the comments.

Word count: 954

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