Drip Drip

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Clara was what most would call "mature for her age". Her mother often worked long, busy shifts at the hospital that usually left her daughter home alone. She trusted Clara to warm up her own dinners, put herself to bed, and get herself ready for school. The trick to doing this, according to Clara, was to develop a routine.

So every night, Clara did the same thing. She would kiss her mother goodbye, lock the door, and sit down to dinner. After dinner, Clara did the dishes, took a shower, and went to bed. Even Clara's bedtime routine was always the same. The family dog, Juliet, slept under her bed. Once Clara was under the blankets, she would put her hand down and Juliet would give it a lick. After that, she would quickly fall asleep before starting her next routine bright and early the next morning. It was all very efficient, just the way Clara liked it.

Tonight was the same as all the others. Clara made her dinner, took a shower, and headed to bed. Juliet gave her hand a dutiful lick and, just like that, Clara was asleep. That peace did not last long. Some time late in the night, she woke to a strange dripping noise. It was distant, but annoying enough to wake her. She lay in her warm bed, listening.




Clara rolled over onto her side and pulled a pillow over her head, but she could not forget the sound. Even muffled by the pillow, Clara imagined she could still hear it. She dragged herself out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom, tightening the faucet. Then it was back to bed. The blankets were still warm and she quickly pulled them up to her chin. She put her hand down for Juliet to lick and fell back to sleep.




Clara growled. Half asleep, she jumped up and shuffled to the bathroom once more. Assuming she had gotten the wrong faucet the first time, Clara turned to the tub. She gave the handles there a powerful tug to tighten them and shuffled back to bed. Clara lowered her hand and Juliet gave it a lick. Again, she was asleep.




It was very late and the dripping noise was back. Clara sat up and huffed, throwing her blankets to the side. Determined to find the source of the dripping this time, Clara shook herself awake. It wasn't very hard to find. Beside her bathroom, the only other room in the house with a faucet was the kitchen. She went straight to the sink and tightened it before heading back toward her warm bed and Juliet. She didn't get very far when she heard the annoying dripping again. Turning, Clara stood still and listened. Her eyes narrowed, and she scanned the dark kitchen.



The faucet wasn't leaking at all. Clara turned her attention to where the noise was coming from- the pantry. There was no faucet or water in the pantry. But there were jars and bottles of different things that might break or spill. A dark liquid oozed out from beneath the door; possibly chocolate syrup or ketchup. It was hard to tell in the dark. When she opened the door, Clara did not find any broken jars or bottles. Instead, Clara found Juliet. She was hanging there, hastily shoved in among the green beans and corn. Juliet's blood dripped off the shelving and landed in a puddle on the floor.




Clara could not move or scream. Her hands trembled as she tried to step away from the sight before her. Her stomach turned and she reached for the door handle to steady herself. She didn't want to step in the blood. Then she saw the message written across the back of the door in Juliet's blood and she began to scream.

Humans can lick too.

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