Room For One More

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It took Peter a few moments to realize he was dreaming again. Everything about the hotel was exactly as it had been when he checked in with his family. The fluorescent lights were blinding and he could feel the carpet beneath his bare feet. Peter could even smell the generic cleaner housekeeping had used and hear a television playing too loudly just down the hall. It was all so real.

Driven by an unseen force, Peter headed to the elevator. He realized what was happening as he got closer. A young kid, not much older than Peter, stood in the doorway to the elevator, holding it open. There was nothing about this kid that was particularly frightening. His plain brown hair hung in his plain, brown eyes and his acne was as bad as his posture. That wasn't what made the dream a nightmare.

"There's room for one more." The young man's voice broke when he spoke. This time, Peter could stop himself from getting on the elevator. He shook his head. The kid shrugged him off and took a step back, joining Peter and letting the doors close on the people inside. Peter's eyes lifted to watch the elevator descend. He counted the numbers and waited. Right on time, the sound of twisting metal reached him. He could hear the people inside screaming and feel the ground shake as the elevator hit the bottom floor.

It was always the same. The young man would be there, telling him that there was 'room for one more' before sending everyone else to their death. It had gone on for weeks. Sometimes it was an elevator, sometimes a subway. Once it had even been an escalator in a mall. Sometimes, Peter died with them. That always changed, but it was always the same guy saying the same thing with the same result. Peter had no idea who he was and had never seen him before.

By breakfast the next morning, Peter had forgotten about the nightmare, though he had avoided using any elevators. It was easy to forget once they reached the vast amusement park his family was vacationing in. Peter was sure they had walked for several miles by lunch just exploring the park and riding the rides. There was so much to do and the weather was perfect. They had eaten their weight in sticky cotton candy and salty popcorn. It was the perfect day. Peter had even won a few prizes playing the games.

Exhausted, Peter's parents hung back to rest while Peter waited in line with his little sister to experience the park's largest ride, a massive roller coaster. The line was incredibly long and seemed to take forever, but neither sibling could contain their excitement. They continued to talk trash to each other all the way through.

"Sorry," the attendant said when they reached the end of the line. He pointed to a large, brightly colored ruler beside him and to Peter's sister. "Gotta be this tall to ride." She was just short of making it and argued vehemently. Peter could only stare in horror. The attendant turned to him then, ignoring Peter's sister as she stomped off. "There's room for one more."

It was the same kid from Peter's dream. He had the same plain brown hair, bad posture, and acne. Peter shook his head and took a step backward. The attendant shrugged and closed the gate, turning to start the ride. Horrified, Peter hurried away from the rollercoaster.

He had only just caught up to his sister and hadn't even had time to explain when he heard it. The sound of twisting metal and screams was deafening. Peter turned to face it with the rest of the onlookers. They all watched in horror as something went wrong and the ride disconnected from the track. The entire train of passengers plummeted to the pavement below with only one empty seat.

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