The Hotel Door

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A young man on vacation decided to go for a walk. He had been at his hotel for several days now but hadn't had a chance to explore yet. After he located the indoor pool and had a good look around, he headed back toward his own room. He was almost there when he spotted a strange door at the end of one of the halls. It wasn't like any of the other hotel doors that took key cards. This door had an old doorknob, the kind that took a skeleton key.

Thinking this was strange, he went up to have a look. He had always heard that it was easy to see through keyholes like that and he wondered if he could. Kneeling down, he had a look. The young man had expected the room to be empty since it was so unlike the others. Instead, he found that it was occupied. A woman with long white hair stood in front of a mirror, brushing her hair. Startled and embarrassed he had been spying, the man jumped back and hurried back to his room.

A few days later, he was on his way back from a swim when he saw the door again and remembered the woman. He didn't understand why her door was different and wondered if the suite was different as well. Deciding to take one more quick look, he went back and crouched down to take a peek through the keyhole once more. This time, he didn't see anything. There was only red, as if something were blocking the keyhole.

Afraid that he'd been spotted spying, the man hurried back to his room and tried to put the strange door out of his mind. He didn't think about it again until it was time to check out. He asked the woman behind the front desk about the door with no key card. She smiled and told him it was a part of the hotel before the renovations. Now it was used for storage. No one had stayed in the room since the last occupant had committed suicide- a lovely girl with long white hair and bright red eyes.

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