Barrel of Wine

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A young couple bought a new house. It needed some work but they were convinced it could be their dream home. Right away they hired some workers and got to work tearing down walls, refinishing floors, and painting. The bones of the house were good but it needed a lot of cosmetic work. They weren't scared to jump right in.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised when the workers tore down a wall in the basement and found a wine cellar behind it. Most of the bottles were broken or empty but there was one unopened barrel of wine left. The couple was more than happy to share the wealth with the workers who had helped them so much. They drank their fill and then filled up bottles to send home with them to their families.

When the work was done, the couple threw a housewarming party to celebrate. They invited everyone they knew- family, friends, coworkers, and their new neighbors. There was music, food, and of course there was the wine. The old barrel seemed to go on forever. Glasses were filled again and again until, finally, the barrel was empty and their bellies were full.

A few men gathered around to help move the old barrel. The couple wanted to cut it in half and use the pieces as planters in the front yard but there was something unusual about the barrel now. Even though it was definitely empty, it was still incredibly heavy. Some said that it was the wine soaked wood while others insisted that there was something inside.

Curious, someone grabbed a saw and they got to work cutting the barrel open. Someone else grabbed a flashlight and shined it inside. What they found horrified them. The barrel wasn't empty at all. Curled up inside, it's bones and remaining flesh stained red, was a corpse.

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