chapter 2: black cat, at the gate

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They walk further into the autumn trees, the sunlight pooling into dappled patches on the forest floor. A cold breeze whistles through the brush and ruffles through Bokuto's feathers. Crinkly leaves crunch under their feet as Bokuto marches off the path. Akaashi does not react except to ask Bokuto why he isn't wearing shoes. Bokuto tells Akaashi he doesn't need shoes. Akaashi asks if he lost them. Bokuto says maybe. Akaashi nods, and they continue.

A large torii gate stands, nestled between the dark trees. The stone pillars look weathered and the thick shimenawa rope swinging over the entrance is dull and discolored.

"Well, well, well." Comes a slow, grinning voice. "If it isn't my least favorite owl spirit."

Bokuto jerks to a stop, head snapping towards the sound. An ancient tree stands tall, the amber inside hollowed out into a small room with a window pointing towards the torii gate. And there, settled inside, smirks a familiar cat spirit. He is leaning out the window with his head propped up in his hand, the deep red fabric of his haori sleeve pooling around his arms like blood.

"Kuroo!" Bokuto beams and jogs to the base of the tree.

Kuroo raises a hand and smiles lazily, his long black tail curling from side to side behind him.

"So, you finally return," Kuroo's hazel eyes move to somewhere behind Bokuto and his grin twitches. "And you brought someone else with you?"

Akaashi's face is firmly neutral as he steps forward.

"Akaashi Keiji. Do you know what happened to him?"

"To who?" Bokuto says, turning his head to look at Akaashi.

"Yes," Kuroo's smile is guarded, now. "Is the amnesia back again?"

"Again?" Bokuto swivels back.

"Yes. Does he lose his memory often?" Akaashi's words are pinpoint-sharp.

"Do I what?"

"More often than most." Kuroo's fingers tap against the bark. "Why do you ask?"

"Hey, slow down a minute!"

"Can you help him?" Asks Akaashi.

"Help me what?"

"I can try." Kuroo answers, tugging the black string around his neck.

"Hey!" Bokuto announces, and they both look at him as if snapped out of a trance. "What's going on?"

"We're gonna try to get your memory back, Bo. But first," Kuroo leans forward. "What are you two doing here?"

"Oh!" Bokuto says, clapping his hands together. "Right! The Lady of the Yellow Springs! We want to go see her!"

"Ah, yes." Kuroo moves back, nodding slowly. "The Lady of the Yellow Springs. Beautiful, brilliant, benevolent, all that stuff. Well, you've come to the right place. I can point you towards her."

"And then we'll get our wishes?" Bokuto asks earnestly, reaching up to grab the edge of Kuroo's windowsill.

Bokuto holds his breath as he waits for the response, tabi socks tapping the ground impatiently. Beside him, Akaashi is also watching Kuroo closely, eyes dark underneath his hood. The cat spirit just smiles, tail flicking.

"Yes, Bo, then you'll get your wishes." Kuroo states, and pauses to let Bokuto cheer. "But you're going to have to pass three trials first."

"Trials?" This is news to Bokuto, but Akaashi just nods like he had expected it. "What trials?"

"Three super-secret trials for nosy owls just like you," Kuroo says brightly, and Bokuto scowls.

"What are they?" He shouts, banging his fist against the tree trunk. "Tell me! I wanna know!"

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