[0.4] Ashton The Leader

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Ashton The Leader

Jen (New POV )

"So what are we going to do?" Calum spoke up. I honestly didn't know what to do.

"I think we should go to our houses." I looked at him through the rear view mirror.

"I don't think that's a good idea we are so far already." Riley spoke up. She had finally gotten over her panic.

"You're right, I'm so stupid." I pulled over to the side of the road as the car in front of us stopped too.

We filed out of the car to the other group. Ava and Michael walked side by side awkwardly. 

After a few minutes Ashton finally broke the silence. He suggested we set up camp since we had tents and everything. The sun was barely visible and the moon threatened to rise.

"Um ...what is that?" Calum pointed towards a woman with pale skin, sunken eyes and dark purple lips.

I looked at Ava and she nodded at me. It's a cannibal. We just stood there staring at the woman as she walked closer and closer to us.

A military van pulled up beside our cars. We took a few steps back as a girl with long caramel colored hair stepped out of the van with an ax and chopped off the woman's head clean off of her neck. We kept staring in horror. Did she really just do that? I've always had a strong stomach but staring at the woman's decapitated head just passed my limit.

"What are you waiting for? Hop in." Her British accent sounded welcoming but I wasn't the one to make the group decisions, besides she could just as easily chop all of our heads off. I glared at the girl and she just smiled like if there were puppies and kittens littered on the ground where we stood. How is she smiling after what she just did?

Ashton looked over at his car as if saying goodbye before nodding towards us. Apparently he was the group leader.

I walked over to the rental and stuck the keys in to unlock it I pulled the lever for the trunk to open and passed our luggage over to Calum and Riley.

"Does Ashton even know what he's doing?" I whispered in Calum's direction, since he knew him so well.

"I honestly don't know but I'll trust him on this, besides she's just a girl. What can she do?"

"Sexist much?" I rolled my eyes and walked over to the girl's van where the other half of our group were already at.

I looked at the now empty area, besides the cars, and sighed. I don't know what Ashton is getting us into but I'm sure we could take them if they tried something.

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