[0.5] Two Females

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Two Females


"Welcome aboard mates." The girl's voice was so cheery I could puke. You could tell she has been here in Los Angeles for quite a while, her accent was fading and barely noticeable.

"Have any of you been bit?" The other girl raised an eyebrow as she inspected us. They basically stripped us to our undergarments. I felt my face growing hot as we all stared at each other while the two girls checked for bite marks.

I decided to change into something more comfortable. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a random tank top from one of my backpacks and began slipping them on while putting away my other clothes.

"Do you know what's going on out there?" Ashton asked as the others hurried to put their clothes back on.

"Have you seen Zombieland?" The other girl finally spoke up.

"Haha yea that movie was sick!" Calum punched my shoulder lightly.

"Not now Idiot." I whispered in his direction as I rolled my eyes.

"Well anyway, that's what is happening here. There are people who crave human flesh and they won't stop until they get it. The number one rule in surviving is not getting bitten EVER. Always aim for the brain and eventually you'll figure everything else out." The girl stopped talking and got on the driver's seat to begin driving to wherever the hell we were going. It was quiet for a while.

"Wait where are my manners? My name is Iris." The girl with the caramel colored hair said as she stuck out her hand and Ashton shook it.

"And I'm Imogene." The girl with the black hair quickly turned around and refocused on the road.

We were sitting in seats that were across from each other. Riley was on my left digging through her bag, probably looking for something, while talking to Calum. That Iris chick was in the passenger seat while Ashton talked to her from his seat on my right, they were having a deep conversation about the army van. Jen and Luke were extremely quiet which was really odd. I looked over at Michael and he was twirling a small object in his hands. I wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Hey Luke?" He looked up and nodded.

"Mind switching seats?" He gestured for me to get up.

We got up at the same time and he sat down first, while I struggled to get to the seat. The damn van kept moving around and I probably looked like an idiot. I sat down quickly just before almost falling on Michael's lap.

"How are you doing?" His red hair covered his eyes.

"Fine?" He raised an eyebrow at me as if asking a question.

"What is that?" I tried making conversation since he wasn't even putting in any efforts.

"Just a necklace." He looked up at me.

"Can I see it?"

"Uh, sure." He motioned for me to hold my hand out.

I held it carefully and realized it was a mood necklace with silver trimming. It was beautiful.

"Wow where'd you get it?"

"It was a gift from my aunt."

"It's beautiful." I said as I handed it back to him.

"Yea." He went back to being quiet.

"We're here!" Imogene yelled as the van halted.

"Where exactly is here." I said as i pointed towards the van door.

"Welcome to LAX Firing Range." Iris announced as Imogene opened the van door.

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