[0.8] Macy's

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"We have to pass through the city. Are you sure we should be doing this? For all we know there could be Zs all over." Ashton was talking to me as I sat in the passenger seat starring off into the road.

"Ash we have to do this. What if there are other people that can help us. We didn't even know there was a Z Apocalypse. We were having so much "fun" we didn't even notice. It's a miracle we are all still alive. We need to get to that place for food, water, and shelter." I talked as I saw a Z eating a woman on the side of the road. She had ripped apart some other woman's insides.

"Sure we need all of those things. You're right, but what if they can't help us. We can't just trust anyone."

"Yet you decided to jump into this van, that practically saved our asses."

"That's different."


"Ok whatever. I am taking us there, aren't I?"

"Just shut up and drive."


" We need some sleep so we're taking a rest stop. Pick a house." Ashton unbuckled his seatbelt and looked around waiting for someone to pick a house.

"Uh how about that one." Calum pointed towards a light pink house

"Sure." I hopped of the van with Michael right behind me. I held a bat in my hands as I occasionally reached to touch my crossbow just to make sure it was still there.

"We'll head in to make sure there aren't any Zs, Ash, you Iris and Cal guard the front yard. Riley, Jen, and Luke stay by the van and get ready to bring in all the important things." Michael began stating our plan.

A minute later Michael and I began making our way into the house. There were blood stains on the steps of the house but that was normal for a Z Apocalypse. I stayed close to Michael as we headed into a small kitchen. He ran straight for the cabinets and pulled out a huge box of twinkies.

"Holy shit, Ava, I found us some snacks."

This was awesome. I can't remember the last time I ate junk food. I was always a healthy person. He tossed me a twinkie and I examined it before unwrapping it and stuffing it into my mouth.

"Mmmm, these are so good. Is there anything else in there?" I looked at him as he searched for more food.

"Nope, that was all th-" His eyes widened and I turned around to see the van driving away.

"What the fuck! Did they just leave us here?" I ran out the door to see Calum on the ground with a red bruise around his eye. Riley and Ashton hovered above him and the rest of the group stood in a cirlcle around a body.

"Fuck, who is that and what the hell just happened?" Michael yelled at them.

"It was crazy some guys dressed in all black tried taking the van and I tried to pull them away but one of them punched my eye and got in and the rest of the guys jumped in and left." Calum has taking way too fast but I could tell what he was saying.

I walked over to the rest of the group and saw Jen on the floor.

"What happened?" I was worried as fuck and I was thinking that maybe we were screwed.

"She fainted after the guys took off with the van."

"Where's Iris?"

"She said she was getting her van back and she jumped onto the back just as they left."

"Seriously, she's one crazy chick, do you think she'll be okay?" Michael spoke as he looked around.


We all turned and ran towards the scream. It was coming from behind the house. I saw a boy, probably a little younger than us, tied to a pole with chains. He had on a blood stained torn up t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He's fucked. He cried and screamed while Ashton tried covering his mouth so he wouldn't attract any Zs. I scanned the area and saw a huge group of Zs heading our way from two directions. If we don't move now, we'll be surrounded.

"Guys we have to get going the Zs are coming from all directions." I yelled as I tugged on Riley's and Jen's arms.

"We can't leave him here." Ash started acting like if he actually knew the boy. If we brought him along we'd all be fucked.

"Then do something yourself we're leaving." Calum found a small car at the road side and we climbed in.

Ash came dragging the poor boy. The kid had a stab wound on his right arm and a few bruises where the chains used to be. How Ash freed him, I don't know, but it got the job done. Ash drove, Jen sat in the passenger seat,the boy was in between Ash and Jen, Riley and Calum sat in the backseat, I was sitting ontop of the car holding onto the roof rack where the luggage was once tied to, while Michael sat in back of me and Luke held onto the back. We're driving in the direction of the city skyscrapers and I'm trying to keep in my laughter because we probably look really stupid right now.

"We should go somewhere where there's clothes. I don't have anymore clean jeans or underwear." I spoke, forgetting to leave out the part about the underwear.

Michael looked at me and laughed. I smacked his thigh and laughed along with him.

"The only fucken clothing store I see is Macy's what the fuck." Calum was looking out the window trying to search for a store other than Macy's.

"Hey don't swear." Ash scolded him.

"What? Ava and Michael had been swearing like there is no tomorrow." He pouted and we laughed.

"That's because there is no tomorrow." Jen muttered and then we all stayed quiet while Ashton parked the car and we grabbed our weapons and belongings.

We were going to make sure Macy's was safe enough to stay in for a while.

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