[0.7] Beer

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I went into the van to get the hidden weapons from the wall. I found four pistols, two axes, two double barrels, four ak47s, and two machine guns. I did one last search and found a cross bow. This is definitely MY weapon.

"Where did she even get these from?" I whispered to myself.

"Our dad was in the army. That's how we got Susan, our army van."

I turned around to see Iris in the door way of the van.

"You named your van?"

"Yea. Who doesn't?"

She gave me a faint smile and we laughed and I was glad she wasn't sad or pissed a me for what I had to do to Imogene.

"Come on we have to practice shooting. I suggest you take that crossbow." She winked and I laughed as I followed her into the building with the crossbow in my hands.

We walked around securing every door of the building except the front double doors. Iris moved the van closer to the door so we could literally just hop in just in case we attracted too many Zs.

"Alright kids! Pick a lane and get any gun of your choice. Ava gets the crossbow." Iris looked at each of us with a bright smile. For once I was happy she was so cheery, she just wouldn't let anything bring her down.

Iris worked the machine to move the targets as we tried our best to shoot them. I readied my crossbow and missed.

"Ughh i hate this! I can't even shoot the damn edge." Fuck this shit. I'm so damn close to quitting.

"Hey don't give up. I'm going to have to be protecting us both if you quit." Michael laughed as he gave the target a head shot.

"Stop smiling at me like that. You look creepy." I laughed as his smile turned into a frown.

"I'm kidding. Could you help me out?" He was obviously qualified for these kinds of things.

"Sure." He walked over to me and held my hands over the crossbow.

"The trick is to stay calm and breathe in and out slowly."

I got out of his hold and looked at him.

"Really, Mikey. So out there where there are so many Zombies, or whatever they are, I'm supposed to try to stay calm." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yea. How else would you be able to shoot one down." He rolled his eyes and went back to his lane and shot another target.

"Wow another head shot. You are such an expert." I said as I clapped my hands with the crossbow between my legs.

"Are you being sarcastic with me?" He gave me a look as he raised his pierced eyebrow.

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes and aimed at that damn target. I breathed in and out slowly and let the arrow fly. I watched intently as the arrow hit the target's head.

"Yes!" I did a little happy dance while Michael laughed.

"Congratulations. You can now kick zombie butt." Michael high fived me.

There was a sudden banging on the back door along with growls and moans.(not the dirty kind lmao)

"Jen, Riley, Ashton, and Calum get everyone's things and put them in the van. Luke, Michael, and Ava come with me. We'll kill a few Zs out back." Iris whispered our plan as we handed our things to the first group. I watched as they quickly hauled our things into the van.

We made our way to the back door where the groaning got louder and louder. I slid the crossbow onto my back as I grabbed a pistol.

"Get ready." Iris held the door handle just before swinging the door open.

Zombies burst into the building as the boys, Iris and I shot the fuckers in the head. I watched as the amount of Zs were reduced by half. I saw a little girl staggering towards me. She looked so young. She was wearing a white blood stained shirt and bubblegum pink overalls that were covered in mostly dirt and mud. I almost didn't want to shoot her but she was already dead. I aimed the pistol for her head but missed. I tried again and I shot her directly on her eye. Gross. Soon enough all the zombies were just dead bodies lying on the floor in heaps.

"Our job here is done. Let's go." Luke smiled to himself. He was obviously proud as fuck for killing all of those disgusting creatures. We filed into the van as Iris sat in the driver's seat.

"I'll drive."

We turned to look at Ashton as he and Iris switched seats. Ashton hadn't begun driving so we began to talk to calm our nerves.

"Hey people! Guess what I found?" Michael smiled as he pulled out a cardboard box filled with bottles.

"Beer. We definitely deserve this." Calum reached for one but Michael slapped at his hand.

"I think Ava deserves the first bottle she learned how to use a crossbow today." He smiled as he handed me the bottle. I held it in my hands as everyone watched me. I used another bottle to open mine and brought it to my lips. I took a large gulp and felt the beer slide down my throat. Everyone cheered as they grabbed a bottle of their own. I then remembered the flyer that Imogene had given me moments before she died.

"Hey. Imogene gave me this." I took out the flyer and handed it to Calum.

"Those who arrive, survive? Sounds promising." He passed it to Riley, which passed it to Luke.

"We should go. Just to check it out. If it's bad, we leave." Luke said as he handed it back to me.

Everyone agreed, and for once we had a plan.

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