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TW: S/H (self harm mentions stuff)

The next morning you woke up on the floor of grillbys once again you sat up and yawned. Getting up from the floor handing grillby back his jacket. "Good morning" he greeted with the most heartwarming smile I still can't believe people are this nice here... You thought
"Morning I guess" you mumbled. You were on your way to walk out of grillbys "do you want lunch? It's 12pm right now" you shook your head "I'm good-"  he nodded "have a good day" you walked out "you too" you whispered.

You walked around and decided to head back to the library and finish the book you were reading. You opened the door and walked inside scanning the shelf's for the book. But no book to be found Dang it.. you thought. Somone else with money borrowed the book. You sighed and just stayed in the library enjoying the quiet and peacefull ambiance. About 2 hours passed by as you sat up and walked around snowdin some more.

You walked north where the rocks lived. Then past to see a dog making snowballs like it was a job. You waved at the doggo as it barked playfully. You smiled and ran over. You walked over the bushes and behind the houses in your way as you went and pet the dog. The dog was happy and let you pet him for awhile. "So cute.." you said to yourself. You never even knew you had a soft spot for dogs. Cats you loved the most. They were just as independent and salty as you were.

You smiled "I gotta go now doggy', you said while looking at the orange glow casted upon the underground. " I gotta meet sans again I'll see you soon puppy!" You said running off as it barked. As if it was saying goodbye. You walked to sans' house since you had time. And hid in your usual spot. Waiting for sans. You heard the door open as you were about to get up and sit in front of Sans. But what if it's somone else. You hesitated and backed away into your spot waiting for him to say something.

"Don't worry it's just me" as soon as you heard his voice you immediately came out of your hiding spot. You had sat down next to him as he handed you a plate of spaghetti just like the one from last night. You happily ate it getting some sauce on your cheek. Sans just was glad you were eating something and weren't trying to flip him off. He found it cute that you enjoyed little things like this so much. You loved the food. After finishing up you were shivering slightly. It was cold asf and all you had was those old bandages around your arms and a shirt, torn and tattered shorts  along with a jacket with Holes in it. Not to mention it was snowing, and your jacket was so thin.

Sans grabbed your hand as you flinched. "Come with me don't worry, my brothers busy" you were hesitant but followed him into his house. Staying close beside him. It was nice and pretty clean. Except for a sock or two on the floor but other than that it's perfect. Sans walked to his room and gestured you to come in as he closed the door with a snap of his finger. "You can take one of my jackets." He said holding one just like his "here, it should keep you warm" he said handing it to you as you stared at it in astonishment

"..thank you" you staid still looking as surprised as ever. He chuckled. "Don't mention it" you took off your old jacket and put on sans' jacket. It was so soft and cozy. You loved it. Sans laughed at your reaction "you can take a shower if you want" he said pointing to another door in his room. "Thanks alot" you smiled as you took his offer cautiously walking in the bathroom "don't worry the shower doesn't bite" he laughs.

Trigger warning S/H

You loosened up and gently closed the door and turned on the water. Getting undressed as you cautiously put one foot in. It felt amazing. You washed the old blood off of your legs from crawling through the thorns. You lathered your arms that you used to block attacks or impact. And sometimes cut..

"Why did you cut yourself?" Was the most common question asked. But you avoided it. The reason why had to do with family problems... let's just say they yelled alot and took it out on you. Now your grateful that they weren't physically abusive but it was still horrible. You were only 7 having to protect your 4 year old cousin because you didn't want him to see this side of the family. Along with other things that you would rather keep personal.

You thought of the look your cousin gave  you. He was crying and looked hurt but mostly confused after hearing the family yell. You gritted your teeth. Not wanting to remember the life you left behind. Not to mention girls at school would bully the hell out of you. Kick you  punch you and just beat the hell out of you. But your parents never cared. They were too busy yelling at eachother and taking it out on you. You sighed. Shaking the thought out of your head thinking of how they fit cars in the mall. After your shower you got out and dried your hair with a towel.

You noticed sans lended You one of his shirts how sweet..wait what the hell am I thinking? This is just a stranger guy..a... really nice stranger.. You slipped on the clothes sans had gave you and just put on your old shorts. You stretched and for the first time in a LONG while you saw yourself clean. And in the mirror. You had long dark brown hair that almost looked gold in the sunlight. You liked your hair.

You walked out of the bathroom  with a towel. On your head along with your soggy hair. You sighed in delight you slipped on sans' jacket and oh my god. It was just as soft as the first time you put it on. You instantly melted. Sans smiled "you can stay the night if you want. Doors unlocked and when u want to come in the key is under the doormat (sans had like those mini 3 step porches yk?) You smiled " thanks alot " you sat on the floor and sprawled out across it sans chuckled " you can take the bed if you want I got the couch"  you had just noticed sans had a couch in his room.

You were really hesitant "y-you sure?"  Shit- you thought mentally face plaming you just had to stutter now he knows your skiddish and a pushover but what if he doesn't?  I doubt it whatever... You snapped out of your thoughts "I'm positive unless you want the couch" you smiled awkwardly "no no I'll take the bed" SEE Y/N? Your so ungrateful you should've took the couch instead of the bed. HE OFFERED AND ITS RESPECTFUL TO ACCEPT AN OFFER maybe not this one.. You smiled and sat down on the bed  then layed down cuddling a pillow.

It was so nice finnaly sleeping on a bed and getting nice meals. You sighed and just wondered how nice it was having this life everyday. about an hour later sans got up and left the room you wondered where he went. Then you heard "you ready paps?" As another voice answered, "oh yes brother!" Sans asked "what story today?"  The voice of this 'paps' replied " oh the princess in the sky"  the voice said " again? " Sans asked. " PLEASEEEE!" The voice begged " all right all right. " Sans chuckled.

He began to tell a story about two monsters a rich wealthy and miserable with a poor and scrawny monster who fell in love about a puzzle piece. Sans sighed and got up from the bed with a creak. You heard him walk in the room and plop down on the couch. You heard him sigh and eventually heard his steady breathing. You sighed. Maybe we should sleep too you were tired and  after getting comfortable and you felt safe with sans there. You liked that feeling. Knowing sans was there you fell asleep peacefully

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