escape and early mornings

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You had woken up. You were on a moving boat as you  looked around. Your vision blurry as you re-gained consciousness sitting up with a pulsing headache. "What the..." You looked around and remembered the person in the cloak...wait..they looked way more childlike maybe mid teens?..and my height? Isn't that short for monsters in the underground.. couldn't they be a-

" Well good morning"  the person grinned as you shot a nasty glare right back at them. What was their gender? They sounded like a mix between both..whatever I have bigger problem what the hell do you want from me.."  you yelled standing up slowly wobbling.

The strange person simply smiled "do you know how much money I could i could SAVE THE WHOLE KINGDOM!!! If I took your could be the seventh soul..the one who could set us all free!"  and maybe I could get them back... They chuckled softly as you tilted your head "what..?" They smiled "Oh haven't you heard the whole story?" You took a step back on the boat. Almost falling off if they didn't grab you with thier hand.

"Careful" they smiled. You hissed "don't you dare call me that-" you clenched your fists. "what the hell are you gonna do about it?" They leaned close "this" you kicked them causing them making them fall back onto their ass. You stood above them glaring "take me back to snowdin..NOW-" You demanded shaking slightly with fear and adrenaline. They sighed. "Look I would if I could but the problem is..."  You waited
" well?!?" You demanded impatiently " look...the part of the underground that were in has sort of a underground of the underground. But it has a kind of system that runs. So basically we most likely won't be able to escape till next sundown. And that's the other problem. We're underground the underground. So we wont know what time it is.

You grumbled "great.."  you sighed and waited on the boat until you saw a stop.
"Stop here" you told them as he listened. "if you EVER- do something as shitty as this again I'll kill you at first sight-"  somehow you almost cried while saying that but you were to angry to care.  You stormed off the boat and ran. Until you felt safe enough to look around. you were surrounded by dark cave walls. It was so quiet and open. There were a purple/gray walls and a smooth darker shade on the floor.

You kept running. Coming to a stop you sat down and cried. Curling up into a ball. Head in hands. You zoned out and started overthinking. What happened to sans was he okay? What about papyrus and grillby?  And before you knew it you were in a full mental breakdown. You scolded yourself to suck it up while rubbing your eyes sighing you leaned against the  comfortingly cold  walls of the sort of cave and tried your best to fall asleep. Thinking about happy times with sans, Papyrus, and grillby...

*Few days later and sans kept having a series of panic attacks and stressed*

Sans' POV: I woke up the next morning feeling like Garbage. How long did I stay up last night...what did I even do..? I thought as I drgged myself to the bathroom to get decently cleaned up. I splashed my face with some water and washed up. I stepped out and slipped another one of my white baggy T-Shirts with the same old pair of  basketball Shorts as I walked down stairs yawning. The bags under my eye sockets stained my face. As I saw grillby asleep on the couch. I could feel my face heat up.

I acted like such a child yesterday..and he had to take me home.. I mentally face palmed and tried to not remember the rest of the events from the previous night. I went to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. Today was a cloudy/blizzardish day. I like these days I thought to myself as the milk slowly flooded the bowl of cereal. Luckily I caught it in time. I thought about y/n and all the places she could be. I concentrated as I popped a spoon  of cereal Into my mouth. Hey

I was too focused to notice that grillby was already awake cooking with papyrus.  "O-oh morning guys heh" they caught me way off guard "morning  brother!"   Papyrus cheered "morning sans" grillby smiled. I figured he wanted me to forget what happened last night. A pretty nice friend.  They both sit with me at the table eating breakfast together  before we split up looking for y/n again.

I was about to grab my scarf only to find y/n's scarf laying in place. I wrapped it around my neck and kept it close. I inhaled her scent it was strangely comforting. I pressed the scarf to my cheek before heading out. The scarf somehow soothed me and my anxiety. I walked outside in the snow that began to fall. I raised the scarf to cover most of my face to keep warm. Even if I didn't really need it, but it was still cold.

I walked around and heard the faint voices of grillby and papyrus calling out y/n's name. "Y/N!" Grillbys warm voice shouted as it echoed across the underground. "Y/N!!!!" Papyrus shouted, his voice getting more concerned by the minute. Shes been missing for awhile. But I suddenly remembered the place she liked to go. Near the dog behind this section of the underground! Where the ruins are...the ruins!. I dashed to that section and my feet slid in the snow oh man please tell me that the boat guy didn't get to her.. I thought nervously However, my nightmare had come true. There were signs of distress in the snow. Y/n's boot tracks and a empty sleep dart. I felt my eyes widen.

"papyrus,grillby!" I shouted as they came running and saw the tracks. Leading, to where the strange man's boat would lay...

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