shopping disaster?

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A/N: the picture above is u in this chapter :))) it's drawn by me its sloppy (took me like 10 mins 💀)

You slowly opened your eyes feeling the warmth of the sun peaking through the window you slowly sat up. Hair a mess and drool on the left side of your mouth. But you didn't care. Sans watched you with half lidded eyes the same smile plastered on his face "good morning~" he chirped you looked at him and smiled "goodnight-" you said as you turned away from him and prepared to fall back asleep sans laughed "come on you gotta get up-" you whined "but I'm warm-" sans smiled sweetly " I can take you to the shop today and you can find more clothes" he said.

" Are you sure? I feel bad wasting your mone-" sans interrupted " don't feel bad and don't bother paying me back either Just let me be nice" you nibbled your lip unsure about this " okay-" sans grabbed your hand as you both walked down the stairs and out the door. Your tracks left behind in the snow as you got to the door of the shop. You and sans walked inside as you looked around at the clothes. A Bunny and a owl ran two registers "welcome!" They said in unison.

You waved shyly and walked around the small store looking at the shorts and other items. Sans was talking to the two monsters at the registers while you looked around. You picked out some shorts that were warm with cotton on the inside that wrapped around the legs.
You saw some black tights along with some other socks you found cute. You looked at the shirts and bought a few. Plain ones. You found some black fingerless gloves that you added. And lastly, got some converse high-tops.

You tried some stuff on and decided on what you would take. You walked to the front layed the items out. "That will be 22.25!" The bunny said you felt super guilty sans handed them a twenty and a 5$ bill. "Just keep the change" he said. You grabbed the bag full of your things and you and sans walked out of the store in the snow again. "So did you find everything?" You nodded staying silent.
"You ok?" He said. You noticed his smile faded a bit "I'm fine I promise" you said with a reassuring smile "nothing's bothering you?" Sans said raising a non existent brow. "nothing's bothering me"

You said. Shit did he figure out that I feel guilty? Did I let it show? How- I've done this for years and no one ever saw through it- am I getting to comfortable? No..I can't be- You thought trying to figure out how sans could tell how you were feeling almost instantly. You both continued walking. The only sound interrupting the silence between you two was the soft crunching of snow below your feet. You looked down following sans' tracks in the snow.

Sans pov: does she really think she can hide it from me? Something's bothering her. " y/n " I said in a Stern tone as I stopped in my tracks

You gulped fuck he knows... You hesitantly stopped.

back to sans: I know something's bothering you. I can see right through you I thought to myself. "There's something wrong I can sense it" I said turning to face her. My eyes starting directly into hers. Her eyes were staring down at the snow. a hint of guilt. "Even if something's wrong I don't have to tell you" she said looking down "just forget about it ok?" She said with a deep breath and headed onward. I stared at her for a moment. Then decided to let it go if that's how she wanted to handle it.

While walking in the snow covered street. a nearby car passed by. I felt a bit guilty maybe I shouldn't have approached her like that.. "I'm sorry y/n I just want to know what's wrong" I admitted " it's okay" she said. She was being honest and I smiled. I quickly decided to change the topic to adventures that we both went on about where we traveled Until I smelled Strong alcohol. I looked up and saw a car swerving. I couldn't predict where it would go. I grabbed y/n and kept her behind me as my eye flashed the bright Cyan it normally does. I summoned a Gaster Blaster and stopped the car glaring at the driver who was clearly drunk.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?! You could've killed someone" I shouted. "Whoopise~ my baaaaad" he slurred with a chuckle. I sighed and rolled my eyes dismissing my Gaster blaster. I walked closer to the car and didn't bother lecturing the driver but he was too drunk to care.

The police showed up about 3 minutes later putting the guy in handcuffs and waving at sans thanking him for catching them.

Back to the other pov of the situation: you and sans were talking about the adventures you had both went on when you felt the vibrations of a car approaching below your feet. You and sans turned to see a car swerving in your direction you were about to jump back when sans grabbed you his arm wrapped around your waist. You were NOT expecting that. He glared at the driver and his eye glowed a bright cyan and suddenly bones were Transported in the air along with a skull like figure. "do you have any idea how dangerous that is?!" Sans snapped his fingers as the bones and skull faded away. As he went to lecture the clearly drunk driver.

The police showed up shortly after as you watched them. Talk then drive off cleaning up the situation. "Sorry about that are you okay?" Sans asked concerned "I'm fine-  what happened?" Sans tilted his head to the side " what do you mean?"  He said with a confused look " Your eye-" sans chuckled "oh, this?" Sans' eye flashed a bright blue again as your eyes lit up and stared in awe "Yeah that! COOOOOL!" You said admiring his eyes. "What about the-" sans cut you off "gaster blasters. That's what this is." He said summoning the skull as it lowered it self. It was like sans. A glowing blue eye as well. Sans summoned rows of bones and individual ones as you watched in astonishment.

Sans chuckled and dismissed the rows of bones "Wana pet him?" He said gesturing twords the gaster blaster. You hesitated "he doesn't bite I promise" he said with the most heartwarming smile. So you reached out your hand and pet the giant skull monster thingy. He was oddly smooth and you fell in love. "aww look at you!" You chirped petting the blaster. As it closed it's eyes pleased with the attention. Sans chuckled  "okay I think I'm done now, bye doggy thing" you said petting the blaster one more time before it faded in mid air. You and sans walked home together and ate pasta with papyrus. You got to know him better and fell asleep once again.

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