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It started just like any other day. He was setting up his work space in the room, checking the exits and waiting for the guest of honor. He had the only window in the room completely covered up and had splayed his chemistry set over the coffee table. He was wearing a plastic suit from head to toe, it would be like he was never there. Now all he had to do was wait.

The unsuspecting guest entered their home like any other day. But instead of finding the luxurious house empty, he was there in the sitting room, waiting. As soon as the person saw him, they knew what would happen next. They spoke quietly, "I didn't expect them to be so efficient."

"I'm sorry it has to end this way," He said flatly.

The person smirked, "Do you really think that or do you say that to just everyone?" The person sat down in the cushiest chair in the room. "I take that back, you don't have to answer."

He went to his flasks and vials on the table and poured something that looked like salt crystals into a tea cup. He took a teapot from the table and filled the cup. Handing it to the person, he said, "Here. You won't feel a thing."

The person took the cup, their hands shaking. They looked up at him, their eyes clouded with worry. "Do you promise?"

He sat down across from them, smiling gently. He put his hands over the person's as they held their cup. "It'll be like falling asleep. You deserve a good rest."

They took a deep breath and drained the cup. They leaned back in their chair and let out a long sigh. They closed their eyes and their breathing relaxed, soon their breathing stopped altogether. He went over to the person and checked for the pulse. He didn't find one, his job was complete. He just packed up his things and cleaned the teacup and pot, it would be like this person died a natural death, like he had never been their. Despite his profession, he wasn't fond of such brutal deaths.

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