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Rin heard gunshots. That was not a good sign. What was happening out there. If Makoto was coming, would he be okay? Rin was panicking. He couldn't move from where he was bound to the chair and he couldn't scream out from the cloth covering his mouth. There were lots of voices and footsteps sounding over his head. There were bursts of gunshots then silence. Whoever was out there was putting up a fight.

After one set of gunshots, there was a particularly long silence. Rin heard a door on the other side of room open. He could hear the sound of boots stomp down the stairs. Rin gulped. The door to his room was flung open and there stood Makoto.

He ran up to Rin, taking out a knife that was sheathed on the inside of his boot. He cut the ropes that bound Rin and untied the gag around Rin's mouth. Makoto instantly through his arms around Rin. "I'm so glad you're alright!"

Rin embraced Makoto back, wrapping his arms around his torso. "I was so worried, I thought I'd never see you again."

Makoto closed his eyes, holding on tightly to Rin. "I'll always come for you."

Rin relaxed in Makoto's arms. But it was short lived. Rin heard footsteps running down the stairs, someone was coming. They burst through the door, brandishing a large knife. Rin didn't hesitate, he grabbed one of the pistols in a holster on Makoto's side and fired it at the man.

Makoto whipped around to see what happened. The man was lying there, dead in the doorway. Makoto stood up and went to the man to check to make sure he was actually dead. "Rin," he breathed.

Rin was practically in tears. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't even think about it, he was coming at us with that knife."

"Have you fired a gun before?" Makoto smiled over to Rin. And for the first time, Rin realized that there was a good amount of blood spatter on Makoto. Makoto walked back over to Rin, putting a hand on his cheek. "That was amazing. Hit right in the chest, you completely handled the kickback."

Rin blushed. "Well I..."

Makoto stood back and extended his hand, "I think we could make a great team."

Rin took his hand and stood up. In a low voice he said, "It was kind of... Fun." Rin paused before asking, "Is this what you do? For a living?"

Makoto nodded. "Except I usually make it look like heart-attacks."

"It all makes sense now," Rin smile toothily, "I guess this is why you were always on business trips."

"Something like that," Makoto smiled angelically with his eyes closed. "You're really okay with it though?"

"After what just happened, don't I have to be? You did come to my rescue, you're my knight in shining armor." Rin took a step forward to be an inch from Makoto, "And didn't you just say that we'd make a great team?"

A wide smile spread across Makoto's face, "How do you make that sound so hot?" Makoto pressed his lips hard against Rin's. After a long moment, he pulled back, saying, "Well since we're still on your birthday trip, why don't I take you to a couple places no one knows about? I've got a big weapon collection to show you." Makoto started to walk out of the basement, ignoring the destruction they left behind.

"Best birthday ever," Rin smiled and ran after him.

Makoto smiled back. "You're gonna go far."

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