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Makoto hovered outside of the hotel in Nice, he had found that the Gallagher who had hired him was staying there. He figured this was why he was only given three days to kill him. He waited for Ryan Gallagher to leave for the day before going into the hotel. Makoto went inside and straight to the front desk. It was a nice hotel that even had message boxes for the rooms right there at the front desk. Makoto smiled at the lack of security. He went up to the receptionist, smiling with his classic closed-eye and innocent smile. In perfect French, he said, "I'd like to leave a message for Ryan Gallagher."

The receptionist nodded, obviously happy to have someone who knew the language and wasn't just a tourist. They passed a pad of paper and a pen to Makoto. He quickly scrawled one word and folded it neatly four times into a small square. He passed it back to the receptionist and stepped away from the counter. He saw the receptionist turn around and place the folded paper in a box labeled 314. Makoto didn't waste any time in going up to the room.

After carefully picking the lock, Makoto slipped inside. The room was empty, not much there even indicating a resident. Makoto looked around and found something with Gallagher's name on it, so he was in the right room. He set up his chemistry set on the table, got dressed in his plastic suit and waited.

Ryan Gallagher walked into the room and saw the assortment of objects on the table first. He spoke, "I hired you, why are you here?"

Makoto stepped forward, out of the shadows. "Well things did go according to plan." Makoto sat down in one of the chairs around the coffee table where he had everything set up. He gestured to another chair, telling Gallagher to sit. Gallagher complied, still wary of Makoto. Makoto smiled and picked up the teapot on the table. That and the two teacups were the only things on that table that didn't seem out of place. Makoto poured tea into the two cups, handing one of the cups to Gallagher. Makoto took a sip of the tea, making Gallagher feel comfortable to drink from his own cup. Makoto smiled wide with his eyes closed, "And now things are going according to another plan."

Gallagher gulped. He had fallen for Makoto's trap. Makoto leaned forward and put is hand on Gallagher's shoulder, "Don't worry, it's nothing personal, I just need to get something back that was taken from me."

Rin was being kept in a small dark room, other than that, he had no idea where he was. He had woken up here after being taken from the hotel room. His hands were tied together behind the back of the chair he was tied to. He suddenly felt panicked, wondering what they had done to Makoto. But Makoto wasn't anywhere he could see.

A couple men walked into the room and shut the door behind them. They began talking in English, obviously assuming that Rin wouldn't understand. The bigger guy said, "I can't believe we get stuck on guard duty for this prick again."

"Nobody's gonna want to come for him," the other one snickered.

Rin tried to keep calm while listening to their accented English. They pissed him off but he still wanted them to think that he didn't understand. The bigger man sneered, "He is a pretty boy, got the face of a woman alright."

"Just the wrong parts," the other guy finished.

"I dunno," the big man started to saunter over to Rin, "Maybe we better check. He's already soiled anyway."

Rin's eyes widened. He would not let that happen. He waited for the man to get close enough to him before he kicked the man forcefully in the crotch. The man fell to his knees, cringing in pain. The other guy quickly ran over to Rin and grabbed him by the hair. "You knew what we were saying?" He snarled. Without any warning, he slammed his fist into Rin's face.

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