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A woman was gently cleaning the wounds on Rin's face as middle aged man came into Rin's small room. He walked right up to Rin and sat in a chair across from him. He smiled but it was an unsettling smile and Rin did not like it. "I believe that after that little incident yesterday I can safely assume you know what I'm saying to you."

Rin didn't say anything, he just kept sitting there with an angered look on his face. The man continued in his gravely voice, "Well today should be a good day for you. If Tachibana has done what he asked him to do, you'll get to see him one last time." The man leaned back in his chair, "After that, you'll meet some new people and go on your way with them."

"No." Rin gritted his teeth, "Makoto will come to rescue me."

The man smiled again, "Oh I'm planning on it."

Makoto was gathering his artillery in the small little hotel room. After leaving Gallagher, he was able to follow the person who had been following him. They went to a house a little ways out from a small town in Spain. Makoto knew that must be where they were keeping Rin. He had used high-power binoculars to look around the land outside the house, there were a lot of guards. Makoto recognized some of them to be from the family. Makoto used his long range camera to look at the inside of the house, it was a modest house, nothing particularly special on the inside. Even so, Makoto took pictures of what he could see. He wanted to be prepared. He didn't have much time, but he wasn't going in blind.

Makoto was looking over his pictures in the hotel room, something didn't make sense. The house was actually kind of small. He could see every room through a window somewhere. So where were they keeping Rin. Makoto looked back through the photos until he found something, a door that didn't match any other. Maybe there was a basement. That had to be where Rin was. They would definitely want to keep him out of sight.

Makoto turned back to the assortment of weapons he had laying out on the hotel bed. It was time for him to take what he could carry and suit up. He started hiding knives, hand grenades and extra rounds on his person. He would not let them win. He would come out of this alive and with Rin, he had to. He strapped a couple pistols and bigger guns to his back, hiding them underneath a leather jacket. When he had everything he needed, he left the room.

He sat several hundred feet away, hiding in the bushes, using the scope on his hunting rifle to see the people coming in and out of the house. He had his Bluetooth earpiece in and was waiting for them to call. Minutes later his phone lit up. He pressed the button on his earpiece and answered.

"Tachibana." It was the same smooth voice as the one that had first called him. "You've held up your part of the deal, it's time we meet."

Makoto gritted his teeth, "Agreed."

He could hear the smile in their voice as they said, "We'll meet you at the central plaza in El Toro. Be there in two hours." They paused, "Rin will be waiting for you." Makoto hung up. He didn't believe one word they said.

Makoto waited longer, watching the house through the scope. Half an hour later, he saw a man surrounded by guards get into a black sedan. Another man got into the car, carrying a black case, Makoto knew exactly what that case was for. The car drove away. Rin was not with them. They had no intention of honoring their word.

Makoto readied his rifle and took aim. He quickly dropped the two guards standing outside the house. Three more guards ran outside and Makoto took out another one. He other two looked in the direction of the shots being fired. They barely looked before firing off their own guns. Makoto packed up his rifle and slung it over his shoulder. They would be coming this way in a minute, and that was the minute he needed to be able to sneak inside now that the guards in the main room were gone.

Makoto walked around to the front of the building and casually walked inside. Pulled the two 9mm handguns out from underneath his jacket and walked through the house. There were footsteps running from the kitchen. He could hear them draw their weapons. Makoto turned around in time to see two men leap from the kitchen. They didn't have time to fire, Makoto swiftly raised both hands and shot them both down. The sound of the gunshots was drawing more guards out from hiding. And Makoto was waiting.

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