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Makoto was careful at the airport, he always was. They had just gotten off the plane and so far nothing worrisome had happened. He kept hoping that things would stay fine. He often had to travel for his work but this was his first vacation in a while, he was trying to get away from work. He just hoped for Rin's sake that his work didn't follow him. As soon as they left the airport it was easy enough to forget his worries. They were in Paris after all, the lovers' capital of the world. Makoto had been there before but this time Rin was with him. It would be so much better this time, having someone he loved to share the experience with.

They went to a grand, historic hotel and checked in. Rin kept smiling, taking in the whole scene, but Makoto couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. He glanced over his shoulder and could've sworn that he saw someone staring at them but when he turned all the way around, no one was there. Makoto brushed it off, thinking he was just being paranoid. Even so, he stayed closer to Rin, keeping a close eye on him.

It was their first night in Paris and so far everything had been romantic, just the way Rin liked it. They had spent the day seeing the sights, enjoying the atmosphere. Rin felt completely in love. Him and Makoto were back in their hotel room, everything getting hot and heavy. All he wanted was to be with Makoto.

Later that night, Rin lay in the bed, barely awake. They had gone practically all night and Rin was dead tired. Makoto laid his arm over Rin, stroking his hair. They laid there for a moment before Makoto quietly said, "I need to take a shower, I'll be back in a minute." Rin laid there, completely euphoric.

He was just nodding off when he heard something jiggle at the door. He thought maybe it was Makoto at the bathroom door but the water for the shower was still running. Despite what he wanted to do, he got out of bed and headed towards the door. Just as he got there, the door quietly swung open. Rin stepped back as three burly men walked into the room. "Oi! What are you doing?" Rin kept backing up.

"Maa--" Rin screamed, but the men were fast. One of them dashed forward and grabbed Rin, swiftly covering his mouth with a meaty hand. He held Rin's arms captive behind him, to keep him from fighting back.

The other two quickly looked around the hotel room before turning back to Rin. They glared at him, "Where is she?" Rin's brow knitted together, what was going on, who were they looking for? The biggest man, seemingly the leader of the three, snapped at Rin again, "Where is Tachibana's mistress?"

Rin didn't say anything. He quickly bit down hard on the hand covering his mouth. As soon as the man pulled his hand away with a yelp, Rin let out a loud cry, "Makoto!!"

"So you're the mistress huh?" The man said through gritted teeth. He put a cloth over Rin's nose and mouth. The chloroform quickly began to take effect, causing Rin to lose consciousness. The last thing he heard was Makoto running out of the bathroom and footsteps dragging himself away.

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