Chapter 8

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Friday is their last night before heading up to South Shields, and they’re spending it lying together on the sofa. Jade let’s her fingers run through Perrie’s hair, gently pulling this way and that, feeling it’s softness. The younger girl lets out a content sigh and kisses Jade’s neck, fingers slipping under her shirt.

“I like this.” Perrie whispers, like she’s afraid to say it out loud.

Jade’s heart skips a beat and she quietly asks “This as in….”

“Being like this. I like being like this. With you.” Perrie chokes out, and she’s clearly struggling with the realization.

Jade reaches down and tips her chin up so they can look at each other, Perrie’s blue eyes troubled.

“Thanks for telling me.” Jade smiles.

“I….yeah. Course.” Perrie mumbles.

“No, not of course. Pretty sure a week ago you wouldn’t have said anything. So thank you. It’s nice having you be honest and such.” Jade explains, gently pushing Perrie’s fringe out of her eyes.

Perrie presses her lips into a line and lets out a long breath through her nose, nodding. “Mhm.” She sounds.

“I like this too, for the record.” Jade adds. “Though I certainly wouldn’t mind more kisses.”

That gets Perrie to grin, a small laugh escaping her.

“Cheeky.” She mutters, but shuffles up to press their lips together.


They pack before bed, throwing clothes in each other’s suitcases because it really doesn’t matter much, they share more often than not. And that’s always been a thing, yes, but it’s more now, Jade notices. She pulls on Perrie’s jumpers when she’s tired, and the younger girl takes her t-shirts for no reason at all. But it works, and it’s not weird, and it makes Jade’s stomach flip-flop, so.

They cuddle close in Perrie’s bed, exchanging languid kisses. Perrie rolls on top of Jade at one point, mouthing up to her ear to kiss the skin just below it, and Jade’s breath flies out quickly.

“Pez.” She murmurs, watching as the younger girl pulls away slightly to meet her eyes.

“Mm?” She hums, reaching up to trace over Jade’s features with her fingers, always so gentle.

“I….I’m not sure I’m going to be okay tomorrow.” Jade stammers, looking away.

She’s been worrying, is all. Sure, she’s had the girls over to her home since Little Mix made it big, but each time they’ve crashed on the sofa. And sure, she’s stayed in her room; the few times she’s been back, but it…she got a bit panicky. And by that, she means she had a few panic attacks. And that was when she was still trying to block it out, still trying to punish herself. Now, with all these emotions and feelings…she’s not quite sure she’ll be alright.

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