4, Omeg

59 1 0


Im gonna kill him.

Once i washed up for breakfast i walked in and guess who was there.


apparently Charles wants us to 'get to know each other' and leave this instant.

Ohh does that man rub me the wrong way.

I packed some clothes neatly in my bag, i wore a loose sweater with black strings you tie with in the back, with some leather black jeans and black boots.

The boots heighten me by two inches.

I finished my packing by adding my last few lady items.

I place my dagger in my thigh holster as my fathers sword lays on my left hip firmly.

I braid my hair lying it unto my right shoulder pulling some hair out of the sides for style.

I walked to the side of my bed opening my drawer where my fathers compass lays, i put it over my neck glancing at myself in the mirror.

I take a deep breath exiting my room, here goes nothing.

"Oh darling please be safe on your journey!" I hugged my mother kissing her cheek, who knows, this may or may not be my last time seeing her.

I pulled away, my mother cupping my cheeks looking up at me.

She leaned into my ear whispering, "Be safe, and follow your heart, make sure no body follows you, and remember" I nodded my head already knowing what she was going to say.

I looked at Charles bowing down to him, "My king, i promise to not disappoint you" He rasply laughs, making me stand up in confusion.

"Too late for that" I bite the inside of my cheek smiling at him, i look at Galen, he's wearing a shirt similar to mine, but instead the front isn't tied revealing his muscular chest with a tattoo placed along his collarbone.

I couldn't read it do to the distance between us.

He was wearing tight pants like mine, but his whole fit was in black except his sword holster.

His hair neatly curled and placed along his forehead.

He had one piercing along his left ear, just on one.

A smirk placed along his lips as he also roams my body.

"Goodbye mother, Charles" i said speaking Charles name with venom.



"Not that horse m'lady, that one" Galen says pointing to a black stallion, i nod my head walking towards it, i started petting the forehead of him whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

I hook my bag unto the back side saddle sitting up on top of him.

I put my arrows over my shoulder so there resting on my back.

Galen does too.

"Are you ready for this trip?" I smiled shaking my head, "If anyones ever ready to fight a dragon their insane"

"Are you calling me insane" Galen spoke putting his hand over chest acting as if he fainted, i couldn't help but laugh at his idiocy.

We started riding away, mother waving to us from the distance.



Now we are in the middle of the forest heading to Flor.

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