chapter eight

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Sanji's POV
On his way home from the library

I walked out the door only to be met with a huge downpour. Damn it, I returned the umbrella to the raven haired woman. I hugged my laptop bag to my chest, it was looking like I had no other choice but to walk without an umbrella. The rain hadn't stopped for days, no chance it was going to stop now.

If I run, I risk plummeting onto the pavement or even worse into a muddy puddle. The darkened sky didn't help me any, only a few dimly lit street lights were allowing me to see. I took a deep breath, it would be embarrassing to have a white shirt drenched in water. There were no other options though.

"Hey curly brows, I thought you were going home?" I heard the marimo's voice call out from behind me. I turned to see him approaching me with his giant black umbrella looming over his head.

"I could say the same about you." I erased the idea of walking home in the rain, I couldn't let the moss head taunt me in class tomorrow about how I got soaked. Maybe I should go back to the library and wait till the rain calms down a bit.

"What happened to your umbrella?" He asked, noticing that my purple umbrella wasn't by my side any longer.

"If you must know, I gave it back to a beautiful woman, she lent it to me after you stole my ticket home," I informed him, he probably wished that he was able to get an umbrella from a gorgeous woman.

"You were planning on walking all the way home in this weather?" He asked hearing a small amount of concern residing in his words.

"Not like I have any other choice, besides why do you care." My words came out all mumbled in a hushed, it was almost too quiet to hear over the raging downpour. I heard the sound of his umbrella shutting, and before long he was handing me the closed umbrella.

"Here." He uttered holding out his umbrella for me to take. No way! Why the hell was he trying to be nice to me. If I took it then he would get drenched.

"I can't," I answered, not knowing what his true intention was. There was no way he was doing the out of the kindness of his heart, there had to be some sort of catch.

"Take it." He ordered, his voice began sounding more irritated as he shover the umbrella closer to my hand.

"What, are you planning on watering your moss hair? No, I'm not going to take it." I scoffed, if I did take his umbrella I'll be in his debt, waiting for an opportunity to pay back his "kindness."

"It's a better option than you getting soaked in rainwater, I don't have a far walk. So stop being a stubborn asshole and take the damn umbrella." He shoved the damp umbrella against my chest, demanding that I took it from him.

"This is just payback for me taking your umbrella." The moss head muttered before turning and walking in the other direction. I called out for him, wanting him to take the stupid thing back. I knew he could hear me, yet he didn't acknowledge my chants of protest.

I let out a sigh, accepting my defeat. I glanced down seeing the umbrella in my hands. A wave of guilt towered over me, crushing me under its mighty tide. What was this feeling? I hated it. It was all the dumb seaweed hair's fault.

I opened the umbrella, which made a thumping sound as it rapidly expanded outwards. It shielded me from the pouring streams of liquid. Thuds one after another, continuously falling one after another onto the protection.

I feeling of guilt clouded my conscious, knowing that the idiot had to walk home without it. Even if he gave it to me, I still couldn't figure out why he was being so generous. Perhaps I'll get my answer the next time I see him.

To Be Continued...

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