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Excuse any mistakes, enjoy💙!!

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I lied. I'm too excited about this book to wait a week😩!!

A/N:If you're going to be sensitive about the content in this chapter, leave. I never said this book was rated G or PG it's a Mafia book, death is going to happen expected or unexpected!!

Leona Price

Saturday, January 15th, 2022: 3:00 p.m.

It was the day after our date, and I was in such a good mood. After we shared a few intense kisses we turned on a movie and cuddled until we went to sleep. I usually have nightmares about my past relationships, but I slept like a baby under my Leonardo.

After a chill morning hanging out with Leonardo and Luciana. Leonardo and I are now at his warehouse, where I agreed to help out his men in the infirmary.

"Ho bisogno che tutti smettano di fare quello che stanno facendo e si mettano in fila davanti a me." Leonardo ordered and just like that all the men in the building were lined up with their hands behind their backs.

Translation: I need everyone to stop what they're doing and line up in front of me.

"Questa è Leona la mia donna. Ti rivolgerai a lei come Donna.Le mostrerai lo stesso rispetto che mi mostri perché dopo tutto la tua vita è nelle sue mani." he explained walking around them with his hands behind his back.

Translation: This is Leona my woman. You will address her as Donna. You will show her the same respect you show me because after all your life is in her hands.

"What do you mean about that Boss? Our life is in her hands." one of the men ask causing Leonardo to stop.

"Step up since you are hold to speak when I'm still speaking." Leonardo said coming back to my side.

"Baby how should I handle him?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Kill him." I replied looking up at him.

"Eh, you will soon be official donna. With that you are to stick by my side and be able to do the same things as me, so kill him. Prove you are ready for this position, yes." he spoke revealing his gun then he grabbed it from his waist.

"Yes." I said grabbing the gun then I cocked it back and shot him in between his eyes causing his body to hit the ground.

This isn't my first time killing someone. I used to help my ex with heist and sometimes killing someone was the way to go.

"Very good, kiss?" he asked with a smile which I granted him.

"Qualcun altro ha domande per il mio uomo?" I asked then they shook their heads no.

Translation: Anybody else have questions for my man?

"Bene, continua lo zucchero." I said looking up at Leonardo.

Translation: Good, continue sugar.

"Grazie, ora torniamo a quello che stavo dicendo. Donna sarà la nuova infermiera sulla scena quando sarò qui.Se hai qualche difficoltà con il tuo rapporto di salute a lei e lei farà del suo meglio per aiutarti, sì?" he said looking at the men.

꧁༺ 𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓤𝓷𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭 ༻꧂Where stories live. Discover now