I need you

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Mood swings , a very common thing when women go through  their menstrual cycle , So let's peek in  to the day in Sirav's life 

At night , 

Simar is very moody , and Aarav is  seriously working in his laptop  for the next day's meeting...

S : Aaravji , It's already late , please sleep or-else you couldn't focus tomorrow

A : yeah , yeah....

S : fine , good night
 and she slams the door

A : what happened to her suddenly 😳
and he completes his work and returns to room and he sees simar sleeping
and he dozes off 

next day morning

Aarav sees simar is still sleeping n he actually wonders what happened since last night
he freshens and gets ready to  his office....and sees simar sits up on bed and stares at ceiling

A : Is everything fine Simar ?

S : (she literally shouts) Y didn't u wake me up ??? 😠
      and again u'll leave without having your breakfast 

A : relax..okay , i had my breakfast n also made for you ... okay 😊  and kisses her forehead 😚

S : Whatever 
and she rushes to restroom turns on the shower n crys badly for not understanding herself n her moods....

A : damnn , these mood swings 😮‍💨
and he leaves to office

Simar comes out after a good shower and sees a small note  in the dinning table

It's from her Aaravji ♥♥

Morning Wifeyy ♥

i know that you r on  periods , don't worry
it takes time for you  to understand your moods , everything will be fine
until i come home take care  and have food on time
love you 

Simar is so happy that she got such a caring husband but she remembers  the whole ruckus she created and starts tearing up and slowly dozes off to sleep....

At evening , Aarav comes home n sees her sleeping beauty but looks the stains of tears on her cheek...he slowly wipes them and simar jerks up and sees Aarav 

She hugs Aarav so tightly n crys badly

Aarav rubs her back

A : shh..shhh 
I am sorry simar , i didn't want to leave you but the meeting was important , i tried vvery hard to postpone but i couldn't make  Sorry 🥺

Simar breaks the hug and hold her ears and says sorry to her man ♥

S : i am sorry , i shouted at you 😞

A : Aww, my dear wifeyy, it's your right to be angry at me....by the way , you voice is  more melodious when u bark at me  🤭

Aarav smriks at her and simar  pouts....
Aarav pulls her into hug ...

S : I just need to feel your arms around me. Please don't go.

A : I am not leaving you Sweetheart....

and he starts singing lullaby

SImar smiles at her man, how he sings for her and she is sure that she will fight with her own kid in future that her man's lullaby is only for her, she smiles at her possessiveness and  soon  dozes off  in Aarav's lap.....

She just needed me to go over and hold herAs a man, I didn't know that touching, holding, and listening were so important to her....I Promise you Simar , that i'll be giving the warmth when you really needed me ♥♥

and soon Aarav drifts into sleep ........

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