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 As we grow older it's important to be supportive to our family at all the times!!

It shows how important our family is to us!!!!!!!

The values , teachings they taught us , there comes the times when they need us , the day we stood up for them , supporting them is what they feel the most happy!!!

Simar being singe child in her family she is the pampered one...
Well Simar absolutely not ready to get married but her family actually set up date with Mr. Aarav, they meet in a hotel .....

A : Hi...Simar...😀

S : hello 😀

A : You r beautiful more than in photo!!

S : umm...Thankyou

A : well , i know a lot about !! Ur albums are amazing!!

S : thankyou...

A : well u know what i have read a lot about u...ur interveiws , ur blogs and stuff , u are such a kinda interesting women!!!

S : thankyou...
so what about u , i mean what do u do

A : so i do manage business , besides I work for different NGO's and stuff
Looks like u haven't seen anything in my bio that i have send u 🤕

S : i'm sorry , i am not bit interested to actually meet u but u know , my dad litrally forced me!!!

A : um...sorry , i think ur not intrested okay then I'll leave !!

S : well , not all , i have just changed my mind

A : may be I look handsome that's why u changed the decision right!!😉

S : u don't look so handsome , stop self obesseing 😏

A : okay madam , but i look atleast average

S : oh my man !! u look handsome , i am just joking!!!

A : ah!! i gonna have a big party now!!!
Well y u changed your mind??

S : well , not a better reason, but my family needs a Son , u know sometimes it's important for them having a son,
U know , no can replace a son!!!

A : hey !! Ofcourse u r son to them , i mean look at you , u make them proud , what do they need more than !!!
and u being to them strongest pillar , don't feel insecure ...
may be ur parents feel like they don't have son , but common , they soon understand , that a girl is never less than a boy

S : no !! not at all
I mean my parents never felt bad , that they don't had a son , infact they even brought me like a son
but u know, i mean , the way men give the support is different from women giving the support!!
ahh.. u get me na!!!
okay that's true , may be for some instance physical support will be the same
but mental support is so different
u know for parents , kids are their life , there will be times where we need for them ..right
at that time, I mean me being a girl , i think they seriously need a mental support from a boy
Are u getting my words???

Aarav slowly getting her words,and holds her hand and says

A :Will u be Mrs. Simar Aarav ? i promise , that I'll be best for you and our family

S : It's tough to say in one go , that's not fair!!

A : yeah , okay so let's meet tomorrow?

S : okay!!!

that's their  making into a new life together supporting each other and being always the biggest support to their family♥♥

............THE END............

SIRAV  ( short stories )Where stories live. Discover now